Münsterland | THE GOOD LIFE. | Home | Leisure | Job | Holiday
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg/luxteufelswild


Münsterland can be anything: your holiday destination, your workplace, your home. Your region.

Münsterland makes you happy! Because in Münsterland THE GOOD LIFE awaits you in all its facets: In your free time, at work, on holiday and at home. The Münsterland is a paradise for all those who travel by bike - leeze in Münsterland - and horse. Between castles and palaces, you'll find dream jobs with strong employers and companies and the most beautiful picnic spots. Whether in the city or in the countryside, THE GOOD LIFE is waiting for you here in Münsterland.

Go on a voyage of discovery through our region. We look forward to seeing you!

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THE GOOD LIFE between town and country

Quality of life is writ large in Münsterland. In the centre, the city of Münster attracts all eyes: with a dense and lively cultural scene, young start-ups, many sights and a very special flair. Beautiful architecture meets science and a cultured way of life.

If you cycle out of the city, charming places in red clinker brick and elegant sandstone await you in Münsterland. The picturesque garden and park landscapes offer you plenty of space for excursions, culture, innovative work, fresh ideas, living and being outdoors, cycling, picnics and rides.

Either way, city or country - here in Münsterland you have both.

Onboarding@Münsterland Onboarding@Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg
A warm welcome!
Service Onboarding@Münsterland
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Münsterland to listen to

With our podcasts "SO ODER SO - dein Münsterland", "Mission Weißer Flamingo" and "Wie war das bei dir ...? Company succession in Münsterland", you can listen to the Münsterland from the comfort of your own home. With "SO OR SO" you can get to know exciting places to visit in Münsterland. With the flamingo you fly to hidden cultural places and learn more about the cultural actors of the region. In the podcast on business succession you can listen to courageous doers from Münsterland and perhaps be inspired ...? And for anyone looking for a very special insight into the region's castles and palaces, our audio tours are just the thing for you.