Kulturcamp Münsterland | The exchange format for cultural workers
Cultural Camp Münsterland 2021
© Münsterland e.V.

Cultural Camp Münsterland 2021

The regional exchange format for cultural practitioners

On 8 June, the Kulturcamp pitched its digital tents for the first creative dialogue. How do cultural places enrich our coexistence and the region? What challenges and opportunities are cultural organisers dealing with during and after the pandemic? And what does the Münsterland cultural landscape need to be fit for the future? These and other questions were discussed by the approximately 140 participants.

The documentation of the event is currently being compiled.

Talking about tomorrow today

In online workshops, interactive lectures and idea exchanges, we brought together seeking and offering cultural people, explored art in public and virtual space, met in third places, devoted ourselves to cultural tourism and exchanged ideas on strategies for culture against the right.

At the digital situation fires, the focus was on sharing experiences. We discussed the challenges and possibilities of event planning in pandemic times, looked at the future of art in public spaces and asked ourselves how young people can really participate in the region's cultural scene.

As an extra, participants could book individual system relevance tours with the Stadtensemble Münster live and in colour at a location of their choice in Münsterland.


The programme overview can be enlarged and downloaded with a mouse click. Details on the individual formats can be found below.

Packing lists for the Münsterland culture of the future

What would a cultural camp be without a packing list? Exactly, very little! That's why we asked the participants of Kulturcamp Münsterland 2021 to put together their own personal packing list for the culture of the future in Münsterland: What is indispensable? What can you take with you if there is still room in your rucksack?

9:30 - 10:00 a.m.: Arrival. Technical onboarding.

Moderation Nathalie Nehues

10:00 - 10:25: Welcome. Warm Up.

With Petra Becker (Ministry of Culture and Science NRW), Klaus Ehling (Münsterland e.V.), Dr. Christian Schulze Pellengahr (Chairman of the Münsterland Cultural Council) and Andre Sebastian (Münsterland Cultural Office).

Moderation Nathalie Nehues

10:30 - 11:30: Round I

1) Art in public space I - Examples from practice I Dr. Yasmine Freigang (LWL, Culture in Westphalia), Daniela Schlüter (freelance artist and curator)

2) Search Stage / Offer Art - the Ideas and Project Exchange I Art and culture makers from the region, Moderation: Simone Schiffer (Kulturbüro Münsterland)

3) Keyword Planning Security - Current Challenges in Event Organisation I Moderation: Markus Kleymann (Staff Office for Culture and Sport, Municipality of Senden)

4) System-relevant walks - What is the need for art? I Stadtensemble Münster I Individually bookable in front of your house or office door

11:40 - 12:40: Round II

5) Culture and tourism - the way to a joint offer I Dr. Kai Pagenkopf (Consulting-Büro Dr. Kai Pagenkopf), Birgit Lenter (Havixbeck Marketing)

6) Search Art / Offer Stage - the Ideas and Project Exchange I Cultural event organisers from the region, Moderation: Simone Schiffer (Kulturbüro Münsterland)

7) Art in Public Space II - Art Shapes the Future I Moderation: Dr. Yasmine Freigang (LWL, Culture in Westphalia), Daniela Schlüter (freelance artist and curator)

8) System Relevance Walks - What is Art Needed for? I Stadtensemble Münster I individually bookable in front of your house or office door(OUT OF BUSINESS)

12:40 - 13:15: Lunch Break

13:15 - 14:15: Round III

9) Involving Spaces - Potentials of Digital Cultural Offerings I Anna Schlottbohm (Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V.), Jenny Bohn (Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature, Digitale Burg)(EXCLUSIVE)

10) "Administration of scarcity" or active shaping of cultural life? -Self-conception and tasks of municipal cultural administration in the Münsterland I Silke Althoff (Cultural Office City of Dülmen), Janis Große-Wöstmann (Municipality of Neuenkirchen)

11) Third Places - Houses for Culture and Encounter in Rural Areas Introdu ce Themselves I Guests: 3.OrtBorken, ARTandTECH.space Rheine, Bürgerzentrum Schuhfabrik Ahlen e.V., Kulturhof Deitmar Emsdetten, Verve! Community, Culture & Momentum for Neubeckum

12) System Relevance Walks - Why do we need art? I Münster City Ensemble I individually bookable in front of your house or office door

14:25 - 15:25: Round IV

13) Culture against the right - challenges and possibilities for action I mobim - Mobile counselling against right-wing extremism in the administrative district of Münster

14) "We are the future?!" -Statements, impressions, criticism of the young participants I Jolie Drath (Münsterland Cultural Office), Corinna Koselleck (Villa ten Hompel History Site), Julia Pistler (Life House Stemwede), Jonas Remke (Münster City Library)

15) System relevance walks - walked, discussed - and now? I Members of the Münster City Ensemble, Moderation: Dr. Kai Pagenkopf

15:30 - 16:00: Closing session

With Petra Becker (Ministry of Culture and Science NRW), Georg Veit (District Government Münster) and Andre Sebastian (Kulturbüro Münsterland)

Moderation Nathalie Nehues

The Kulturcamp Münsterland 2021 is supported by

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