Cultural Camp Münsterland 2021 | Involving Spaces
Cultural Camp Münsterland 2021
© Münsterland e.V.

Involving spaces

© Unsplash/Marvin Meyer

Potentials of digital cultural offerings

Last year's experiences have shown that the mere transfer of analogue offerings into the digital is often not satisfactory and that the audience misses the analogue encounter even more. But: What possibilities of social interaction and co-creation do digital spaces offer?

In a research project, the Filmwerkstatt Münster and the Bennohaus Münster looked at the digital challenges facing those working in the arts and culture and investigated the question of what opportunities arise for the actors from dealing with the transformation into the digital. With the "Digital Castle", a place on the internet will be created in 2021 that will expand the work of Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature (CfL) with participatory possibilities that allow the audience to actively accompany topics and processes regardless of location.

Both projects are currently in the conception phase. In this module, the two project leaders will discuss with the participants how digital spaces can involve visitors.

Workshop | 13:15 - 14:15 | online

Speakers: Anna Schlottbohm(Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V.), Jenny Bohn(Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature, Digitale Burg)