Cultural Camp Münsterland 2021 | Cultural Administration of the Future
Cultural Camp Münsterland 2021
© Münsterland e.V.

"Managing scarcity" or actively shaping cultural life?

Cultural Council Meeting 2014
© Münsterland e.V.

Self-conception and tasks of municipal cultural administration in Münsterland

The past year has shown the strengths, but also the weaknesses of the cultural sector. For the future, the municipal cultural administration must ask itself how it can deal with these challenges. What framework conditions are necessary to be able to do good cultural work in the municipalities of the Münsterland? What is the future task of the cultural administration in our region? What is its self-image or profile? Do the financial resources leave room for manoeuvre in the future and what role do the other (voluntary) cultural actors in the municipality play in shaping the cultural landscape?
We want to discuss these and similar questions with you. The aim is to work out the different conditions under which municipal cultural work takes place in Münsterland and what is needed to make it fit for the future.

Workshop | 13:15 - 14:15 | online

Speaker: Silke Althoff (Head of Cultural Office, City of Dülmen), Janis Große-Wöstmann (Cultural Manager, Municipality of Neuenkirchen)