Kulturcamp Münsterland 2021 | Culture against the Right
Cultural Camp Münsterland 2021
© Münsterland e.V.

Culture against the right

© mobim

Challenges and possibilities for action

The normalisation of right-wing narratives is becoming more and more noticeable in society as well as in the art and culture sector: democratic standards that were thought to be safe are being doubted and clear positions against racism or other inhuman attitudes are being dismissed as "cancel culture". There is a need for exchange, strategies for action and, last but not least, a confident attitude of one's own in order to be able to deal with such and similar accusations.
In the workshop, the Mobile Counselling Service against Right-wing Extremism Münster presents its offer for committed people and civil society in dealing with challenges in the field of the extreme right, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism and other ideas of inequality. Together with the participants, concrete challenges posed by a "cultural struggle against the right" will be identified and initial possibilities for action discussed.