Kulturakademie Münsterland 2024 | Controlling in cultural projects
Münsterland Cultural Academy
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Münsterland Cultural Academy

The 1x1 of project funding. B) Competent calculation. Financial planning and controlling in cultural projects.

Competent costing. Financial planning and controlling in cultural projects.
© pexels DS stories

An essential component of projects are the associated cost and financing plans. A realistic and comprehensive breakdown of all expenditure and income is a prerequisite for the successful realisation of your own project. In this workshop, we will provide you with useful tools so that you have a reliable calculation before and after the project and do not lose track of your finances during the project. Using practical examples, you will gain insights into how successful projects can be financially managed and optimised.
You should have a basic knowledge of Excel.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 | 10 am to 1 pm

Location: Kulturschmiede (GBS cultural centre), Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 3-5, Greven

Further information


Andre Sebastian and Lars Krolik, Kulturbüro Münsterland. The team from the Kulturbüro has already applied for, implemented and settled numerous projects. Both as applicants and consultants, they have many years of experience in the calculation of cultural projects.

Target group:

The event is aimed at arts and cultural stakeholders who need advice on how to draw up their financial plans and tips on effective financial controlling for their projects.


15 euros (incl. conference drinks)


Registration is possible here.

Map | Venue

Your contact person

Andre Sebastian
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Andre Sebastian
Head of Münsterland Cultural Office
Art & Culture Foundation
Project "taNDem
Cultural Academy

0049 2571 94 93 23