Further Education Culture | Institutions in Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Maren Kuiter


A region is only as strong as its actors. This also applies to the cultural sector. Various facilities and institutions, in addition to the Kulturbüro Münsterland, have therefore dedicated themselves to the support and further training of these actors.

Cultural Education Office

The state government has made the expansion of cultural education a central field of action in its education, youth and cultural policy.
The office "Cultural Education in Schools and Youth Work NRW" supports this development. It advises and accompanies municipalities, schools and youth work institutions in developing cultural education programmes for all children and young people and in sensibly networking them at the municipal level. The focus is on sustainable, structural anchoring. It also offers various further training opportunities.

create music NRW

The "create music NRW" programme offers young bands the opportunity to receive uncomplicated support. Many bands and musicians can benefit from workshops, events and concrete support for individual projects.

VolunteerAgency Münster

The FreiwilligenAgentur Münster has been in existence since 1999. It is an institution of the Siverdes Foundation for the promotion of civic engagement in Münster. The FreiwilligenAgentur Münster is the cross-sectoral and cross-institutional contact point for volunteers in Münster and a centre of competence for all questions relating to voluntary work.

Creative House Münster

The Kreativ-Haus e.V. offers courses, workshops, projects and events for different age groups and target groups. It sees itself as an educational and meeting place for all generations and cultures. The institution aims to enrich, inspire and promote the city with a diverse educational and cultural offer.

Franz Hitze House

Since 1952, the FRANZ HITZE HAUS Academy has been organising events in the field of political, social, theological, cultural and science-related education and encounters. In eight subject areas, academically proven speakers develop the current programme.

National Office for Visual Arts

LaB K is an advisory institution for visual artists in North Rhine-Westphalia. Supported by the Ministry of Art and Science of the state, it functions as an information platform that communicates professionally relevant topics such as training and professionalisation, scholarships, insurance or taxes.

NRW State Music Academy in Heek

The Landesmusikakademie NRW acts as an organiser of further and advanced musical training for the whole of NRW, as an educational institution and rehearsal venue, as well as a networking partner and project promoter. It is institutionally funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia and forms a hub of musical work in NRW with courses, seminars, conferences, concerts and projects.

NRW State Office for the Liberal Performing Arts

With weiterkommen!, the qualification programme, the NRW State Office offers independent arts and culture professionals various opportunities for qualification and networking.
In the individual coaching sessions, a pool of experienced experts offers individual support in areas such as insurance, KSK, legal form, funding and public relations. Specialist days, workshops and working meetings impart specialist knowledge, enable reflection on one's own work and promote a constructive exchange within the independent scene.

VHS Warendorf

The Warendorf Adult Education Centre was founded in 1977 by the towns of Warendorf, Telgte and Sassenberg and the municipalities of Ostbevern, Everswinkel and Beelen. The rural catchment area has around 98,000 inhabitants.
The VHS serves as a centre for education, culture and integration that is accessible to everyone and is intended to contribute to the quality of life and secure the future of the citizens of the Zweckverband area.

Future Academy NRW

The Zukunftsakademie NRW (ZAK NRW) is the centre for diversity in art, culture and cultural education in North Rhine-Westphalia. With its offers, it supports cultural institutions in opening up to more diversity and participation and in using the diversity of society for their organisations.
The offer is primarily aimed at NRW's cultural institutions: whether large or small, municipal or independent scene, rural or urban, from music to theatre. It accompanies internal structural processes, provides contacts and sets impulses with its own events.

Your contact person

Münsterland Cultural Office
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kulturbüro Münsterland
Münsterland Cultural Office

0049 2571 949300

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