Kulturakademie Münsterland 2024 | Effective project management culture
Münsterland Cultural Academy
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Münsterland Cultural Academy

Effective project management. From the idea to realisation.

Effective project management. From the idea to realisation.
© Münsterland e.V. - Fabian Riediger

Planning, steering and financing cultural projects require their own methods and targeted management. In recent years, numerous digital tools have been developed to support you and your team in this work. In this event, you will get to know the most important ones and compare them with each other. Over time, project management stakeholders have also developed their own practical tools that can be designed using conventional programmes such as Excel or Outlook. However, all digital tools are useless if they are not fed with the right information. That is why we will be looking in detail at the individual project planning steps.
The seminar is practice-orientated and incorporates your individual experiences.

Tuesday, 3 September 2024 | 10 am to 5 pm

Location: VHS-Haus Telgte, Baßfeld 5, Room 2 (ground floor)

Further information


Stephan Bock is a qualified cultural manager, cultural counsellor, educator, supervisor (DGSv) and trainer. He has worked in leading positions in practical cultural work for 40 years and has also been involved in cultural counselling and cultural management seminars for 20 years. He has designed and developed numerous model projects with state, federal and EU funding. He is also the author of numerous specialist articles on the subject of "cultural management" and is active in committee and association work as well as team and organisational development in the cultural sector.

Target group:

The event is aimed at anyone who wants to conceptualise, plan and implement projects in the cultural sector and would like useful and practical tips for their own work.


35 euros (incl. conference drinks + lunch)


Registration is possible here.

Map | Venue

Your contact person

Andre Sebastian
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Andre Sebastian
Head of Münsterland Cultural Office
Art & Culture Foundation
Project "taNDem
Cultural Academy

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