Cultural Academy Münsterland 2023 | Videos for Cultural Professionals
Münsterland Cultural Academy
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Münsterland Cultural Academy

CANCELLED: New volunteers for the cultural sector - tips and methods for recruiting members

New volunteers for the cultural sector - tips and methods for recruiting members
© Münsterland e.V. - Philipp Fölting

The challenge of attracting new members to organisations and retaining them in the long term has increased significantly in recent years, not least due to the pandemic. This applies in particular to the search for committed young people in the voluntary sector.
In this workshop, we will focus on how (cultural) organisations can attract new, motivated members. Together with our speaker Maria Acs, we will look at topics such as contemporary volunteer management, organisational adjustments and best practice examples from the Münsterland region. We will also look at the specific challenges that cultural organisations face when recruiting members.

In cooperation with FreiwilligenAgentur Münster and Kreativ-Haus.

Unfortunately, the event has to be cancelled.

Further information


Maria Acs has been working as a facilitator and seminar leader for over 20 years. She is a trained mediator and currently works mainly in the non-profit sector as a process facilitator. From 2015-2023, she worked as a consultant for qualification and organisational development at the Ehrenamtsstiftung MV (MV Volunteer Foundation), where she developed a support and advice programme for associations to help them develop in line with the times.

Target group:

The event is primarily aimed at cultural organisations and associations that would like to address the topic of member recruitment.


50 euros (incl. conference drinks + lunch)

Map | Venue

Your contact person

Andre Sebastian
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Andre Sebastian
Head of Münsterland Cultural Office
Art & Culture Foundation
Project "taNDem
Cultural Academy

0049 2571 94 93 23