The Regional Culture Programme supports cultural projects in Münsterla
RKP - Regional Culture Programme NRW
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

RKP - Regional Culture Programme NRW

The RKP - Regional Culture Programme NRW is a programme of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. With it, the state government supports cultural projects in all ten cultural regions of NRW in order to strengthen the profile and identity of the regions.

Aims of the programme:

  • Strengthen the attractiveness and identity of the region both internally and externally
  • to promote culture at its best and in its broadest sense
  • to ensure cultural participation
  • increase the external perception of art and culture in the regions
  • develop and strengthen cooperation models with other sectors (e.g. youth work, business, urban development or tourism)

The basis for funding projects with this programme is the "Cultural Mission Statement" of a region. It shows the strengths and characteristics of a region and is an orientation and signpost for the further profiling of a cultural region.
You can find out more about the Münsterland's mission statement here.

Apply now!

The application deadline for the RKP ends every year on 30 September. Click here for the application form. Please also note that the Cultural Office is obliged to provide counselling!

Promotion criteria

If you want to apply for RKP funding with your cultural project, it should meet these criteria:

  • Cooperation and networking: At least three partners from at least two cities / municipalities develop a project and implement it together.
  • All project partners participate equally in the development of the content of the project.
  • Other partners are welcome to contribute resources for project implementation.
  • Marketing measures must be a recognisable part of the project. Each partner participates in the marketing measures for the project.
  • There must be a regional reference, which is usually established through the guiding themes of the respective region (Leitbild Münsterland).
  • Preference will be given to cooperation projects with a particularly high artistic or cultural quality and innovative character.
  • In the case of funding for a network, the requirements for the quality of cooperation are particularly high.

These criteria apply nationwide. We would be happy to explain the individual points in a personal conversation.

With the RKP, you receive funding of up to 50 percent of the total costs.

Since the 2022 funding year, you can apply for "supplementary funds for barrier-free measures"ofup to 5,000 euros per project for your RKP project. In the event of a funding decision, these funds will be granted in addition to the RKP project funds. You can find more information on barrier-free measures in the work aid, in the glossary and on the website of the RKP. You can download the application form here .

Accessibility supplement

Since the 2022 funding year, you can apply for "supplementary funds for barrier-free measures" of up to 5,000 euros per project for your RKP project. In the event of a funding decision, these funds will be granted in addition to the RKP project funds. You can find more information on barrier-free measures in the working aid and in the glossary. You can download the application form here.

We will be happy to advise you on funding through the RKP. We usually conduct initial interviews by telephone.
You can find your contact person here.


Lass dich mit deiner Idee von uns beraten - RKP
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW
Advice from the Cultural Office

Do you have an idea for a regional project? Let us advise you!
Tell us about your idea - sometimes we can help you with just a short phone call and quickly assess whether your idea fits in with the RKP. We will then be happy to arrange a consultation appointment. Your project idea does not have to be ready for application at this point. We will be happy to advise you on (other) possible cooperation partners. Please note: at least one counselling session must take place in good time before the application is submitted. The application deadline is 30 September each year.

Reiche bis zum 30. September das Projektdatenblatt ein
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW
Until 30 September: Submit project data sheet

The final digital project data sheet must be submitted by 30 September of each year. You have the option of submitting the project data sheet as an interim status. This allows you to continue working on the content until the final submission. Together with the project data sheet, you upload a project outline, a cost financing plan and, if applicable, the accessibility supplement online. The same applies here: If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

Der Kulturrat Münsterland berät über dein Projekt
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW
Beginning of November: The Cultural Council consults

Have you submitted the final project data sheet? Then it's time to wait and see. The regional committee, the Kulturrat Münsterland, will discuss the submitted projects in its meeting (end of October/beginning of November) and make its funding recommendations.

Förderempfehlung RKP
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW

In mid-November, we will inform you by email whether a funding recommendation has been made for your project. If yes, you will receive the form for the so-called "application for funding" with our email.

Reiche deinen Zuwendungsantrag ein
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW

The application for funding must be submitted to the Münster District Government by 30 November. You can use the information from the project data sheet that you submitted. If necessary, further information can be added.

Das Kulutrministerium entscheidet final
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW
End of the year: The Ministry decides

The Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia makes the final decision on all project applications submitted.

Warten auf die Freigabe des Haushaltplans
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW
Adoption of the national budget

As soon as the state of NRW has deliberated on income and expenditure for the coming year, it releases the so-called budget and allocates the financial resources to the respective district governments.

Du kannst mit deinem RKP-Projekt durchstarten!
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW
Beginning of the following year

You receive a notification of funding from the Münster district government. Now you can get started with your project.

Bleib gerne mit uns in Kontakt!
© Regionales Kulturprogramm NRW
Your project runs

Have you started your project? Then we would be happy if you kept us up to date. We will be happy to promote your project through our channels and remain your contact if you have any questions about funding.

learn more
Guidelines for RKP NRW applications Guidelines for RKP NRW applications
© Regionales Kultur Programm NRW

Funded projects

Download | Sponsor logos in various formats

of the Ministry of Culture and Science and the logo for the RKP - Regional Culture Programme NRW are available for download as a zip logo package. You will also find the guidelines for using the logos and a licence agreement if you would like to provide us with images. If you have any questions about the use of the logos, please contact us.

Your contact persons

Andre Sebastian
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Andre Sebastian
Head of Münsterland Cultural Office
Art & Culture Foundation
Project "taNDem
Cultural Academy

0049 2571 94 93 23

Lars Krolik
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Lars Krolik
Cultural Office
Münsterland Festival" project

0049 2571 94 93 26

Further funding opportunities

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