Projects Regional Culture Programme NRW 2023
RKP - Regional Culture Programme NRW
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

RKP projects 2023

Numerous artists and cultural practitioners from the region also applied for funding in 2023 through the Regional Culture Programme NRW with exciting concepts from the visual arts, film, literature, music, socio-culture and theatre. The Münsterland Cultural Council met in autumn 2022 and recommended 22 project applications for funding. Below you will find an overview of the selected art and cultural projects that will be implemented in Münsterland in 2023 as part of the RKP. In addition to the 22 new formats, we present seven other projects that already received a recommendation in 2021 and will be implemented or continued this year.

Facade of the AkA Facade of the AkA
© Stefan Demming
AkA 2.0

The Atelier für kulturelle Angelegenheiten enters a new round and continues to expand its musical and artistic actions. In addition to art in public spaces, the AkA offers, for example, concerts of various genres and club evenings with DJs, whereby local talents are also given a stage and special places become the stage.


Bach inspires to this day. As a programme module for the 98th Bach Festival (BACH INSPIRIERT. Bachfest 2024 Münster), BASSO CONTINUO offers original music by the world-famous composer as well as programmes inspired by him. The concerts range from old to new formats and through a wide variety of musical genres - from classical to hip-hop. Renowned international as well as regional ensembles are involved.


A look into the pop sky A look into the pop sky
© rock´n´popmuseum, Julia Knop
D.I.S.C.O. Cool - Chic - Crazy!

The fascination of dancing the night away can be experienced in a new special exhibition at the rock'n'popmuseum Gronau from 18 August 2023. With the help of a diverse selection of authentic exhibits and numerous interactive elements, the exhibition will transport visitors into the extraordinary world of nightclubs and disco sound. An extensive supporting programme complements the exhibition.

Nature in the house Nature in the house
© Felice Kaufmann
A little murmur from the forest

Artist and director Felice Kauffmann creates a modern feminist fairy tale from Münsterland. Her short film tells a chamber play in which three flight attendants in a forest hotel turn hunting, Westphalian customs and toxic masculinity on their heads.

endless endless
© Ingrid Weide
endless Münsterland

The life-size whale flukes by the artist Willi Landsknecht will continue to adorn the Münsterland landscape as cultural meeting points in 2023. This time they will be travelling through the municipalities of Neuenkirchen, Sendenhorst, Haxivbeck and Lüdinghausen. Various accompanying events with a thematic focus on climate protection, nature conservation and the conscious use of resources round off the cooperation project.

Outdoor pool Lienen 2022 Outdoor pool Lienen 2022
© Gerrit Elshof
FREUBAD 2023 - Mixed Arts Festivals in outdoor pools in the region

After last year's success, RESET e.V. invites you to the region's outdoor pools again this year. A good-humoured, all-round mixed arts festival in the open-air swimming pools with a cross-stylistic and cross-disciplinary programme of local, regional but also better-known acts - that is FREUBAD 2023.

Milena Straube as Luise von Kummerveldt Milena Straube as Luise von Kummerveldt
© Goldstoff Filme / ABBYLL
Haus Kummerveldt season 2 - a web series from Münsterland

The historical web series Haus Kummerveldt, awarded the German Film Academy's Young Talent Award, is entering its second season. The focus is once again on the noblewoman Luise, who continues to try her hand as a writer and defies the patriarchal structures of the 19th century. The web series will be shown at cinema and open-air screenings throughout Münsterland and at national and international film and web festivals.

Archive material Archive material
© Stefan Demming
timetravels, forays

Ideas for the future by searching the past: Stefan Demming and Michael Rieken develop an audiovisual journey and performance formats from archive material documenting the cultural change of the region.

Art makes wind

Wind makes energy: Actors from the visual arts, action art, music and literature are exploring traditional and modern aspects of wind at the Mühlenhof in Münster and at the cultural and learning venue Schloss Senden. On Global Wind Day, visitors can experience the results interactively.

Portrait collection Portrait collection
© Lennart Lofink
Living with the ghosts (haunting I heritage)

How does cultural heritage haunt our present? On the occasion of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff's 225th birthday and the 175th anniversary of her death, Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature enables transregional and transcultural readings of her texts - with ghosts. In doing so, hauntings are anything but negative, but instead focus on questions of ownership, privilege, stories, a specific language, rituals and communities. The project is divided into a participatory museum workshop, scenic-performative literature formats, essays by renowned artists and a discourse forum.

Mobile book workshop for children

The mobile writing and printing workshop is aimed at children aged 6-8 years. From copywriting and design to printing and bookbinding - here they get the opportunity to create their own book under guidance.

Elis Noa Vreden-cult Elis Noa Vreden-cult
© Münsterland e.V. / Philipp Fölting
Münsterland Festival part 12

Every two years, the Münsterland Festival brings music and art from a European guest country to the region. In 2023, visitors can once again look forward to a mix of jazz, pop, classical and country-specific sounds - this time from Finland!

Wall with augmented reality Wall with augmented reality
© Michelle Adolfs/Beate Gärtner

The artists Michelle Adolfs and Beate Gärtner explore which new aesthetic spaces open up with virtual reality and augmented reality and how virtual 3D sculptures can be combined with real architectural conditions on site. At the DA, Kunsthaus, interested visitors can try out 3D design with VR headsets together with the artists in the open VR studio and participate in the development of augmented reality sculptures for the outdoor area.

Neighbourhood Concerts Neighbourhood Concerts
© Wald- und Wiesen-Konzerte / Sebastian Netta
Neighbourhood Culture 3.0: Jumelage of Münsterland

The Neighbourhood Culture project stands for participatory cultural events in and with smaller, remote village communities and municipalities in Münsterland. 21 events are planned for 2023. The focus on community partnerships (French: "Jumelage") is new. From them, artists are engaged who artistically represent the international relations of the communities and municipalities.

Jazz Ensemble Jazz Ensemble
© Musikhochschule Peter Lessmann
New stars for the Münsterland

First-class students from the Münster University of Music fan out into the region. Together with local partners and organisers, the students plan unique musical events especially for the locations, where concerts are complemented by workshops and student and audience talks. The artistic spectrum ranges from percussion to cello ensemble to singer/songwriters.

Ferides dress Ferides dress
© Ahu Dural
build new (around) Gravenhorst

Sculpture, storytelling, architectural conditions put together in a new way - this is what artist Ahu Dural means by new building. She creates artworks from site-specific stories of local residents. Artist walks and bicycle tours will offer the opportunity to visit the biographical sculptures and learn the stories behind them.

Dance Dance
© Mario Soose
No man's land

The dancers of the MNEME collective offer workshops in Münsterland for pupils from the ninth grade upwards. Participants can expect a philosophical preliminary talk, a movement workshop and a dance theatre performance. "No Man's Land" deals with man's supposed dominance over nature and encourages us to look into the abyss together and search for beauty there.

Kleister Westerholt, Mannstein + Vill 2022 Kleister Westerholt, Mannstein + Vill 2022
© Mannstein + Vill
Paste Up History! Castles and palaces tour

The artist duo David Mannstein and Maria Vill attach house-high photo collages to castles and palaces in our region. The motifs artistically visualise a history of the respective place. The development takes place in cooperation with local residents.

Country party Brochterbeck Country party Brochterbeck
© Gerrit Elshof
RESET*Landpartie 2023 - Five new partly cross-border cultural experience tours in the Münsterland region

Five nature and adventure tours lead through different locations and offer an interdisciplinary programme with music, theatre, readings, exhibitions, etc. The programme is staged according to the location and its special features. The programme is staged according to the location and its special features.

Soundseeing Soundseeing
© Erwin Stache
Soundseeing - the Münsterland-wide sound art festival

In 2023, Münsterland will once again be a showcase and listening place for very special sounds. With its interplay of exhibitions, performances, concerts, participatory activities and workshops, the interdisciplinary sound art festival SOUNDSEEING offers its visitors a unique sensory experience of sounds in space.

Stage Truck of the Social Palace Stage Truck of the Social Palace
© Sozialpalast 2023
Social Palace MUSIC CONVOY

After a small RKP break, the sozialpalast is also back among the funded project promoters. With MUSIKCONVOY, the group offers an outreach youth music-art project for autonomous, creative youth culture. Their own truck serves as a stage and creative space.

Summerwinds Münsterland 2024. International Woodwind Festival

The seventh international woodwind festival is planned for 2024. In many concerts of different instrumentations, the audience will explore the great world of woodwind instruments in special locations. The elaborate preparations for the festival, which will last several weeks, begin this year.

Theatre of the Blue Islands Theatre of the Blue Islands
© Ralf Emmerich
Theatre of the Blue Islands

Mats on the floor - let's go! Due to the high demand in the last two years, the project also offers children's theatre performances directly on site, indoors and outdoors, in 2023. The performances offered by the Don Kidschote Theatre from Münster, the Hille Puppille Figure Theatre from Dülmen and the Krokodil Theatre from Tecklenburg are aimed at day-care centres, primary and special schools, initiatives and leisure centres as well as with a new focus on the smallest institutions in the rural Münsterland.

tonwelten sound festival 22/23 tonwelten sound festival 22/23
© Nils Mosh/Eicke Riggers

The tonwelten festival is looking for the sound of the Münsterland. In Ascheberg, Everwinkel, Heiden and Nordwalde, the field recordist Nils Mosh collects sounds in dialogue with people, the landscape and objects. The composer Midori Hirano is transforming this material into a composition that will be premiered in Münster in late summer. Those interested can also look forward to an accompanying programme.

Trumpet tree and violin fig Trumpet tree and violin fig
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Trumpet Tree and Violin Fig - Music in Gardens and Parks in Münsterland 2023

The concert series once again opens the gates of gardens and parks of various sizes, histories and designs. From June to mid-September, ten concerts - from classical to rock/pop - invite you to a Sunday excursion in the region. From the region for the region.

Women's Movement Borken Women's Movement Borken
© Paula Berger
Of yellow cards and purple dungarees - stories from the women's movement Borken

In short reports, Paula Berger explores the specific challenges of feminist movements in small-town dynamics. Using specific objects and the actions associated with them, young women from Borken talk to women from the Autonomous Women's Group Borken.

KulTour Community Senden KulTour Community Senden
© Gemeinde Senden, Dirk Frerichmann

The municipality of Senden is planning a climate-friendly and low-threshold action day: On a walking route between Lüdinghausen and Senden, numerous stations offer a multi-layered cultural programme - from music to drama and poetry to art. Special emphasis is placed on interaction between the actors and the walkers. Picnic stations at selected locations complement the programme. The action day will take place on 9 June 2023

Welcome to hell!

Welcome to Hell" - the "new normal" between pandemic, war in Europe and renewed global bloc formation. David Kono, Helmut Buntjer and Anja Kreysing explore the question of how to better deal with the threats to our world through art. Impulse workshops offer interested laypeople the opportunity to find artistic forms of expression for their thoughts and feelings.

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