Digital Solutions

Digital Solutions

Münsterland is fit in the field of digital solutions. The manufacturing industry with its strong mechanical engineering plays just as important a role as smaller 3D printing companies in the region. On the scientific side, too, there is strong expertise in digital solutions. The pronounced networking of companies and scientific institutions on topics of digitalisation in Münsterland also favours joint work on innovations.

Digital Solutions

The Münsterland

is fit in the field of digital solutions. The manufacturing industry with its strong mechanical engineering plays just as important a role as smaller 3D printing companies in the region. On the scientific side, too, there is strong expertise in digital solutions. The pronounced networking of companies and scientific institutions on topics of digitalisation in Münsterland also favours joint work on innovations.

A businessman controls company operations based on a virtual dashboard on his wrist. A businessman controls company operations based on a virtual dashboard on his wrist.
© Business photo created by -

Environment analysis: The companies that were assigned to the innovation competence field Digital Solutions as part of the "Environment Analysis Enabling Innovation" are about 6 percent more innovative than the average participants in the survey (measured by the Münsterland Innovation Index). They represent about 23 percent more developed business models, 29 percent more publications and 19 percent more innovations from their own ideas.

Fields of action (Münsterland): 3D printing, smart logistics, digital business models and IT security .

Key players: mü e.V., ERCIS, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Münster University of Applied Sciences, Mechatronics Institute Bocholt


Lukas Rengbers
Münster University of Applied Sciences
Stegerwaldstraße 39
48565 Steinfurt

Funding database

The database of the federal government, the federal states and the European Union provides an overview of various funding programmes:

To the database

Think tank - Digital Solutions field of competence

In the "Enabling Networks" project, we have established Münsterland think tanks for selected fields of competence. In these think tanks, questions concerning the development of technology in Münsterland are dealt with. The aim is to derive regional recommendations for action and thus strengthen the region.

Digital Solutions think tank
Application and development of AI technologies

More information here.

Would you also like to participate in the think tank? Then please contact us!

Foresight analysis Digital Münsterland
Current developments and future potential of new technologies in the field of digital solutions can be found here.