Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) attempts to capture natural language and process it in a computer-based way using rules and algorithms. NLP uses various methods and results from linguistics and combines them with modern computer science and artificial intelligence. The goal is to create the widest possible communication between humans and computers via language. This should enable both machines and applications to be controlled and operated by speech. Since computers cannot draw on experience to better understand language like humans, they have to use algorithms and procedures from artificial intelligence and machine learning.

A man talks to a voice robot protruding from a mobile phone. A man talks to a voice robot protruding from a mobile phone.
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Large AI Language Models

GPT-3 is a speech production system developed and released by OpenAI. The system is based on more than 100 million synapses and thus forms an enormous neural network. This allows the system to complete self-authored sentences even given very little text. As of today, it is the largest Natural Language Processing Transformer on the market. GPT-3 is able to reproduce human thought and reasoning patterns very accurately and effectively. Humans can no longer distinguish the texts generated by the system from texts written by humans. Thus, it is already a popular tool for writing marketing texts.

    © Eigene Darstellung (Credits: Lukas Rengbers)

    Exemplary applications

    • semantic search
    • Translations
    • Text generation
    • Summarising text
    • Generating code by speech input and understanding your written code(OpenAI CODEX)
    • Generating diagrams and tables based on speech input
    • Philosophising
    • Writing Machine Learning Models
    • Generate formulas by describing the equation
    • Create animations when described
    • Generate 3D scenes/objects
    • Create good CVs
    • Generate live sports tickers
    • ...

    Regional experts

    Prof. Dr. Heike Trautmann
    WWU Münster
    Research focus:

    • Multi-objective optimisation
    • Evolutionary Optimisation
    • Automated algorithm selection and configuration
    • Data Stream Mining
    • Data Science
    • Artificial Intelligence
