Data Lakes

Data Lakes

Data Lakes

A data lake is a very large data store that holds data from different sources in its raw format. The data can be in structured or unstructured form. In addition to text and number-based data, images, videos and other formats can also be included. Thanks to the large amount of information within the data lake, in-depth analyses are possible.

A person sits on a server. His media are uploaded to the cloud in a wide variety of formats. A person sits on a server. His media are uploaded to the cloud in a wide variety of formats.
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Due to the storage in raw format without prior structuring, storage processes take place very quickly. This makes data lakes particularly suitable for Big Data applications. Since a data lake, unlike a data warehouse, does not sort out the recorded data beforehand, the possibilities for analysing the data are unlimited. Data Lakes thus create an ideal basis for machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Regional Companies

Westphalia DataLab
Full Service Partner


BASF Münster
Company-wide data lake (AI specialist)
One of the world's largest, free COVID-19 data lakes.
Particularly interesting for the global research and science community.

Amazon Galaxy Data Lake
Big Data platform based on a data lake as a central component.