Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)

Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)

Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)

First, you should learn about RPA technology, as IPA is the extension of RPA. IPA extends RPA with artificial intelligence methods (machine learning, NLP, OCR, etc.) to automate more complex processes. The AI capabilities make it possible to capture and interpret handwritten texts in order to make intelligent decisions automatically.

Possible applications include the automatic classification of documents that a company receives by mail. Since the type of document is now known, it can be automatically sent to the appropriate employee. Another example is the processing of damage reports from an insurance company. These can contain a wide variety of documents and would overburden RPA. However, IPA can process a wide variety of data types and make an intelligent decision so that clear claims are settled automatically. However, if a greater uncertainty has been calculated in the process, the case would be automatically forwarded to a human employee.

A man operates a laptop. A software robot works in the background. A man operates a laptop. A software robot works in the background.
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Application examples

  • Automated forwarding of emails to responsible employees
  • Automated separation of documents according to document classes
  • Automated extraction of expertise from data
  • Automated processing of claims


Regional experts

Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Johannes Schwanitz
FH Münster
Field of teaching and research: Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Management Science, Project Management

Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen
WWU Münster
Chair of Computer Science

Dipl.-Geograph David Sossna
FH Münster
Management IPD
Project Management DigiTrans@KMU

Regional companies

Automated document storage
Classification/page separation
Subject data extraction, e.g. automatically read out invoices

Classification of incoming mail/page separation
Automatic legitimation
Subject data extraction
Read out damage reports


Start-ups in the field of AI in Germany can also be found via the following link: