Assisted Reality

Assisted Reality

Assisted Reality

By using data glasses with a small movable display on the side of the glasses, content can be displayed to the user. This means that there is only a very small overlap of the real environment with digital content. The glasses are controlled by voice commands. In addition, a camera is often available that can transmit the surrounding image. This can be very helpful in giving instructions to the user. Instructions to the wearer of the glasses can also be given via the integrated loudspeaker in the glasses. Only by actively focusing on the display is the content shown fully perceived.

Assisted Reality Assisted Reality

Examples of application areas

  • Document navigator: view and edit worksheets and plans online
  • Remote support: remote support of employees at the place where the activity is carried out.
  • Data visualisation: IoT data visualisation
  • Forms: Fill forms via voice
  • Work instructions: Explanation of work steps through superimposed instruction details

Regional experts

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rieke
ITB of Münster University of Applied Sciences
Digitalisation and Project Management

Regional companies

Kemper GmbH
Digital customer support
Project name: KemperVision
Service activities on extraction and filter systems guided by the use of the Realwear HMT1 industrial data goggles

oculavis GmbH
Remote support for machines. With data glasses, augmented reality and oculavis SHARE!