Mixed reality

Mixed reality

Mixed reality

Mixed reality is understood in Milgram's reality-virtuality continuum as the area between the real environment and the completely virtual environment.

Reality-virtuality continuum according to Paul Milgram Reality-virtuality continuum according to Paul Milgram
© Eigene Darstellung

Augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV) thus belong to mixed reality. AR starts from the real world and expands it with virtual content. AV, on the other hand, starts from the completely virtual environment and expands it with real information.

The real world is enhanced by a virtual menu on the real hand. The real world is enhanced by a virtual menu on the real hand.
© Menu photo created by creativeart - www.freepik.com

The difference between augmented and mixed reality glasses

Mixed reality glasses, such as the Hololens 2 from the manufacturer Microsoft, are equipped with a variety of technologies. One of these technologies is camera-based hand tracking. Here, the captured image of the MR glasses is processed by artificial intelligence methods so that the movements of the hands and fingers can be used to interact with virtual content. This additional interaction possibility with virtual content in the third dimension is the subtle difference between AR and MR glasses. For example, as can be seen in the picture above, the user can operate a virtual menu with his real hands.

Regional experts

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rieke
ITB of Münster UAS
Digitalisation and project management

M.Sc. Lukas Rengbers
FH Münster
Technology scout and AR developer

M.Sc. Tim Seyock
ITB of FH Münster
AR developer


Customised AR apps

App development with technical support and content

AVK Terwey
AR app development

VR/AR map of the Münsterland

To the map