Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming

Vertical Farming

In vertical farming, the plants grow on several levels with specially adapted lighting and nutrient supply, as well as other adjustable environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and C02 concentration. This allows plants to thrive in a very space-saving and energy-efficient way. The plants can even manage without soil, because a foam filled with nutrient solution provides the right support and nutrient supply for the roots.

Since the production is located inside a building, pest infestation is excluded and no pesticides need to be used. Different light spectra can be used to specifically slow down or speed up the growth processes of plants, making it possible to control the taste and size of the fruit without genetic engineering. Currently, the initial costs of light systems are still very high, but the costs of LEDs have fallen sharply in recent years and this trend is expected to continue. Due to limited arable land, vertical farming is a suitable means of responding to the rising world population.



Edeka Münster (Infarm equipment).

  • Herbs and salads are grown directly on site in the market and provided to customers freshly harvested.

Plantcube from Agrilution

  • Your smart vertical farming system for the home.