4D printing

4D printing

4D printing

4D printing is a further development of 3D printing. Analogous to 3D printing, shapes are printed layer by layer. The difference lies in the use of intelligent materials. These react to external influences such as temperature changes or contact with water and are thus able to change their shape, colour or mechanical properties.

The change (also called transformation) is the fourth dimension of this additive manufacturing process. With the help of 4D printing, a separation of the manufacturing process and the use of the component is created. Thus, "functions" can be printed instead of workpieces, which lays the foundation for many new application possibilities.

4D printing 4D printing
© Christopher Langner

Prerequisites for use

Awareness of the purpose of the component

Only when the area of use of the component to be created has been precisely defined can the right, intelligent materials be selected.

Know-how in the application

A certain know-how is necessary for the use of additive manufacturing processes. This includes the areas of design, material selection and production.

Best Practice

Fraunhofer IAP
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP is researching 4D printing with shape memory alloys.