Additive manufacturing and the influence on logistics

Additive manufacturing and the influence on logistics

Additive manufacturing and the influence on logistics

An interdisciplinary linking of the areas of logistics and additive manufacturing creates new potential. These can be divided into two areas.

Production or logistics planning: Additive manufacturing helps with the planning of material flows. An entire production line can be printed to scale in order to iteratively determine the optimal arrangement of warehouses and production machines.

Production: Furthermore, additive manufacturing helps to reduce inventory, optimise batch sizes and meet the requirements of customised production. The use of additive manufacturing technologies eliminates the need to store many different materials and its flexible use enables short set-up times and the production of products in batch sizes of 1.

Additive Manufacturing Logistics Additive Manufacturing Logistics

Prerequisites for use

Know-how in the application

A certain amount of know-how is necessary for the use of additive manufacturing processes. This includes the areas of design, material selection and manufacturing.

Cost-benefit analysis

The use of additive manufacturing processes requires a restructuring of the entire manufacturing process. The chances of converting conventional manufacturing to additive manufacturing processes can be found out with a cost-benefit analysis.

Regional experts

Dr.-Ing. Stephan Brüning

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Carsten Feldmann

  • Process Management
  • Digital Transformation
  • Supply chain management, logistics
  • Production, 3D printing
  • Lean Management
  • Quality Management, Six Sigma
  • International Management
  • Reorganisation in international companies
  • Organisation
  • Project Management
  • Change Management
  • Product complexity, variant diversity, portfolio management


The start-up URBANMAKER from Münster operates contract manufacturing of small series using the 3D printing process.

Best Practices

FabLab Münster
The high-tech workshop of the FabLab Münster is open to anyone who wants to learn about new technologies. This also includes 3-D printing.

Makerspace Bocholt
The Makerspace in Bocholt is a creative and technology workshop where ideas can be implemented or technologies tried out.