Nano-Particle-Jetting ™

Nano-Particle-Jetting ™

Nano-Particle-Jetting ™

Nano Particle Jetting ™ (NPJ) is an additive manufacturing process from the company Xjet. This process does not use powder, but a liquid containing nanoparticles of metal or ceramic. This liquid is sprayed onto a carrier plate under the influence of heat, which causes the liquid to evaporate and the nanoparticles it contains to bond together.

This process is particularly suitable for the production of workpieces or components with high precision, which can also be produced in small batches using NPJ. Examples of applications are surgical tools, medical products or high-temperature-resistant components for the space industry.

Prerequisites for use

Know-how in the application

A certain amount of know-how is necessary for the use of additive manufacturing processes. This includes the areas of design, material selection and manufacturing.

Manufacturing components with high precision

NPJ shows a clear advantage over conventional additive manufacturing processes when it comes to the precision and accuracy of the components to be manufactured.

Best Practice

Xjet, headquartered in Israel, offers Nano Particle Jetting™ technology.