Centralised and decentralised data storage

Centralised and decentralised data storage

Centralised and decentralised data storage

If all data is stored on a server or in a cloud, this is called central data storage. Different end devices can access central data storage. If an end device is lost, the data is still available, but central data storage is more attractive for hacker attacks or cyber attacks because all data can be found in one place.

Decentralised data storage offers an alternative. Here, data is stored locally on end devices, which supports data security. A disadvantage here, however, is the administration, control and maintenance, which is much more time-consuming with this method.

Centralised or decentralised data storage Centralised or decentralised data storage
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Requirements for use

Risk assessment of centralised or decentralised data storage

Which type of data storage is the right one for the particular use case? A risk assessment of the above-mentioned advantages and disadvantages helps in the decision-making process. Of course, hybrid solutions can also be a suitable instrument for secure data storage.

Data security

Regardless of whether data is stored centrally or decentrally, data security must be guaranteed. The security of the servers of large providers is usually given, but in addition, data security must also be guaranteed on all end devices.

Regional experts

Prof. Dr. Christian Kruse

  • Fundamentals of Business Informatics/Web Engineering
  • Computer-aided business process management
  • Digital Commerce/Digital Assistance Systems
  • Business Performance Management/Business Intelligence
  • IT-based Innovations
  • Service Engineering
  • IT Management
  • Christian.Kruse@w-hs.de

Best Practices

Microsoft OneDrive
With its OneDrive product, Microsoft offers a cloud solution for the central storage of data.

Google Drive is Google's file hosting service. It enables the shared use of a cloud for central data storage.