Data security

Data security

Data security

As many advantages as networked production brings with it, it also carries many new, unthought-of risks. Not only attacks from outside (industrial espionage, cyberattacks, etc.) are relevant, but also data theft by employees must be considered and prevented. If a machine is networked for machine data collection, IT security must also be taken into account right from the start. Because with networking, a machine is in any case more vulnerable than without networking. That is a fact. But there are many ways to reduce the risks to a minimum by using common security mechanisms.

Data security Data security

Prerequisites for use

IoT security experts

The lack of security described is partly due to the fact that IoT security experts with the relevant knowledge are lacking in many places.

Appointment of a data protection officer

The field of activity of a data protection officer includes the following tasks:

  • Implementing cross-company user policies for handling sensitive data.
  • Sensitisation and training of employees
  • Identification and evaluation of new potential dangers due to technical progress

Regional experts

Laboratory for IT Security (FH Münster)

Best practices

European Commission
The European Commission has been actively involved in IoT initiatives for years. These include projects such as the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation, the active support of an IoT research and innovation group and efforts to establish an independent European IoT market.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
The study "IT Security for Industry 4.0" contains existing knowledge, challenges, threats and risks, IT security measures as well as implementation obstacles, existing and novel security concepts and derives proposals for action.