Data sovereignty

Data sovereignty

Data sovereignty

The term data sovereignty describes the maximum control and dominion over one's own data. What sounds simple, however, is much more complicated on closer inspection. Who is allowed to determine which data? What is individual data used for? How can collected data be used as efficiently and purposefully as possible? To answer these questions, data sovereignty can be classified into two sub-areas. Data transparency requires awareness of how data is processed and by whom. Only then is data control possible. This describes the active determination of data use or correction or deletion.

Data sovereignty Data sovereignty

Prerequisites for use

Digital competence

In order to ensure data sovereignty, the digital competence of professionals is of great importance. Understanding about digital processes as well as interaction with data are among aspects of digital literacy.

User-friendly hardware and software solutions

  • Hardware: Standardisation for device interfaces for interoperability.
  • Software: Ergonomic design of user interfaces

Regional experts

Laboratory for IT Security (FH Münster)

Best Practices

The European Gaia-X project is making a sustainable contribution to shaping the next generation of a European data infrastructure. This should meet the demands of digital sovereignty and promote innovation.