Smart Hybrid Prototyping

Smart Hybrid Prototyping

Smart Hybrid Prototyping

Smart Hybrid Prototyping combines digital and physical prototypes and thus offers a fast and efficient solution for evaluating mechatronic products. In this process, a CAx model is digitally visualised (for example through the use of virtual reality), while special interaction devices enable the handling and testing of product functions.

Smart hybrid prototyping therefore allows the haptic experience of a (still) digital image of the product. The strength of this method is particularly evident in the early development phases, as product models do not have to be created or only partially, which saves costs.

Smart Hybrid Prototyping Smart Hybrid Prototyping

Prerequisites for use

Know-how in the use of VR technologies

The virtual representation of prototypes is the core element of Smart Hybrid Prototyping. In order to support the multimedia effect, a great deal of know-how in the application of VR technologies is necessary.

Application of interaction devices

In addition to the visual experience of prototypes, haptic sensation is also a significant factor for successful Smart Hybrid Prototyping. Therefore, interaction devices must be able to reproduce the behaviour of the digital prototype in reality.

Best Practice

Research project VIB-SHP
The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology is researching Smart Hybrid Prototyping for the virtual commissioning of production plants.