Virtual Engineering

Virtual Engineering

Virtual Engineering

Virtual engineering (VE) refers to the support of development processes with the help of digital, three-dimensional models. The focus can be on product development processes, industrial engineering as well as other development processes of technical objects (such as buildings) and even services. Virtual engineering methods can be used across all sectors.

Virtual Engineering Virtual Engineering

Prerequisites for use

Know-how of the employees

Virtual engineering requires the interdisciplinary competence of the user. On the one hand, he or she must have an affinity for software, on the other hand, he or she must be technically skilled.

Corresponding infrastructure or preparations in the company

Virtual engineering cannot be carried out without initial effort. For example, 3D models must be created, the logistics processes must be digitalised and the interfaces must be coordinated.

Selecting suitable software solutions

A suitable software solution must be found for the use of virtual engineering. This must meet the needs of the company and be adaptable if necessary.

Regional experts

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Baalmann

Prof. Dr. Peter Kerstiens

Best practices

Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE
Virtual Engineering with the Simulation Framework "FERAL" Virtual architecture development and evaluation: The FERAL tool is a revolutionary solution from Fraunhofer IESE for the creation and evaluation of architecture concepts. Virtual prototypes replace real prototypes by means of simulation and cost-effectively evaluate the effects of new architecture concepts.