Bio fuel cell

Bio fuel cell

Bio fuel cell

A biofuel cell harnesses the chemical reaction energy of a biological substance to convert it into electrical energy. In future applications, for example, sewage treatment plants can be operated with their waste products or medical implants can be supplied with energy using the absorptions of the human body.

Depending on the type of cataylsator, three different processes can be distinguished: Microbial fuel cells use living microorganisms to process organic substances. In the medical field, the most common type is the blood sugar fuel cell, in which the energy of the body's own blood sugar is converted electrochemically. There are also enzymatic fuel cells in which enzymes serve as catalysts.

Bio fuel cell Bio fuel cell
© Christopher Langner

Prerequisites for use

Presence of biological substances

A biofuel cell only makes sense if the continuous inflow of chemical reaction energy from biological substances can be guaranteed.

Analysis of the area of application

Even the energy from biofuel cells is not infinite and can be called up in any desired quantity. Therefore, an analysis of the area of application is advisable in order to filter out the best possible application for biofuel cells.

Best Practices

TU Clausthal BioBZ
Together with several partners, Clausthal University of Technology has found an approach for generating energy from wastewater from a sewage treatment plant.