Solar energy

Solar energy

Solar energy

Solar energy is available in almost unlimited quantities and can be used in various ways. With the help of solar cells, the sun's rays are converted directly into electricity, which is then used as direct current to operate appliances or is stored in accumulators. Another option is to convert it into alternating current and then feed it into the public electricity grid.

Solar collectors convert the sun's radiation into heat, which is then used to heat water or to heat buildings. In solar thermal power plants, the solar energy is concentrated so that a liquid can be heated, the steam from which in turn drives a turbine.

Solar energy Solar energy

Prerequisites for use

Open spaces for the installation of solar cells or solar collectors.

For the use of solar energy, open spaces must be available for the installation of the devices. In most cases, roofs are used for this purpose. The roof must be structurally suitable for this purpose and the construction must be able to withstand the wind load.

Observance of the respective building regulations

The installation for the generation of solar energy must comply with the respective valid building regulations. Otherwise, another suitable location must be found.

Regional experts

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Mertens

Best Practices

B & W Energy GmbH
B & W offers reliable and high-performance products in the field of photovoltaic technology.