Mass Costumization

Mass Costumization

Mass costumisation describes customer-specific mass production with batch size 1. The resulting conflict of goals between mass production and individualised production is to be resolved with the help of Industry 4.0 in order to be able to supply a large number of unique products.
Due to the abundance of customer data and the associated information about customer needs, mass costumisation brings valuable insights from a primary source that are difficult to determine with conventional market research tools. Thus, market developments, trends or other changes in customer needs can be recognised at an early stage.

Mass Costumization

Mass costumisation describes customer-specific mass production with batch size 1. The resulting conflict of goals between mass production and individualised production is to be solved with the help of Industry 4.0 in order to be able to supply a large number of unique products.
Due to the abundance of customer data and the associated information about customer needs, mass costumisation provides valuable insights from a primary source that are difficult to determine with conventional market research tools. Thus, market developments, trends or other changes in customer needs can be recognised at an early stage.

Mass Costumization Mass Costumization


Christopher Langner
Westfälische Hochschule
Bocholt Department
Münsterstraße 265
46397 Bocholt
Tel: +49 2871-2155-952 (WHS)

Funding database

An overview of various funding programmes is provided by the database of the federal government, the federal states and the European Union:
To the database