Embedded Systems - Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

Embedded Systems - Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

Embedded Systems - Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

Embedded systems are computers that find their raison d'être in the fulfilment of a defined task within a technical context. Such systems are found, for example, in production plants, but driver assistance systems in cars also cannot do without embedded systems. The interaction of many different embedded systems is understood as a cyber-physical system when the individual systems communicate with each other and thus benefit from each other. Cyber-physical systems can detect environmental influences and react to changes in a self-regulating manner. This creates a link between the digital components and the real world.

Cyber-Physical Systems Cyber-Physical Systems
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Prerequisites for use

Interoperability of the individual components

Only when all components of the CPS can communicate with each other without interference does a CPS function without restrictions. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the interfaces of the individual embedded systems are coordinated with each other.

Data protection and information security

The communication of several embedded systems via the Internet requires a high level of security. Without observing security measures, a CPS is vulnerable to cyberattacks or shows deficiencies with regard to data protection.

Regional experts

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bühren

  • Industry 4.0 technologies in practical application
  • Simulation and virtualisation
  • Robotics with MRK capabilities
  • Data acquisition using OPC UA
  • Data and image processing using machine learning
  • Michael.Buehren@w-hs.de

Best Practices

Fraunhofer IIS
The brochure "Cyber-physical Systems" of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits contains further information on CPS.

The CPS-HUB-nrw is a network on the subject of CPS. Well-known institutions and companies are involved.