Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems

The abbreviation ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, in German the planning and management of entrepreneurial resources such as capital, material, personnel and information. ERP systems were developed to support these processes by storing all business and operational data in a central database. ERP systems ensure the interdepartmental consolidation of workflows and processes, which significantly simplifies the control and management of an entire company.

In addition, an ERP system serves to store data in a uniform manner, making it accessible to authorised persons. In addition to permanently installed systems, many providers also rely on web-based applications, which also enable access from outside the company. For example, customers can access the ERP system to place orders.

ERP system ERP system
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Prerequisites for use

Selection of a suitable ERP system

Not every ERP system is suitable for every company. For example, an ERP system for a large corporation has a different range of functions than an ERP system for small and medium-sized enterprises. The choice must therefore be made in a well-considered manner. Several years can pass from the idea of introduction to the state of full use.

Interoperability with existing systems

If functioning software solutions already exist, compatibility with an ERP system must be ensured. The implementation of manual interfaces should be avoided.

Regional experts

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Külkens

  • Manufacturing organisation
  • Factory planning
  • Production automation
  • Work and process organisation
  • IT support
  • Manfred.Kuelkens@w-hs.de

Best Practices

BEOSYS Software GmbH
BEOSYS supplies powerful ERP systems for the metal industry.

The ERP-Kompass helps with the pre-selection of suitable ERP systems and categorises them according to company sector, number of employees and users.