Regenerative medicine
Zellteilung - Meiose

Regenerative medicine

Natural tissues are completely nanostructured; and it is known that the 3D environment plays a crucial role in the function of a tissue, in addition to biochemical factors. Understanding the structure, biology and function of these structures in different tissues and organs of the body is the basis for regenerative medicine. Its aim is to replace or regenerate diseased tissue or its function by tissue engineering inside or outside the body. This special form of therapy is thus primarily aimed at treating chronically ill patients up to the point of a possible cure.

Regenerative medicine

Natural tissues are completely nanostructured; and it is known that the 3D environment plays a crucial role in the function of a tissue, in addition to biochemical factors. Understanding the structure, biology and function of these structures in different tissues and organs of the body is the basis for regenerative medicine. Its aim is to replace or regenerate diseased tissue or its function by tissue engineering inside or outside the body. Thus, this special form of therapy aims primarily at the treatment of chronically ill patients up to a possible cure.

Funding opportunities:


Funding database:

An overview of various funding programmes is provided by the database of the Federal Government, the Federal States and the European Union:

To the database