Sustainable Eco
Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Abfällen - ein Bereich innerhalb von Sustainable Eco
© Photo by geogif on istockphoto

Sustainable Eco

In the context of Sustainable Eco, the circular economy takes on a very decisive function. This term no longer only stands for modern waste management, but rather aims at circular value creation. This involves thinking and acting in cycles that are as closed as possible in order to secure the economic and social benefits of products, components and materials in the long term while respecting the ecological limits of our planet. A comprehensive circular economy, as is now increasingly demanded by politics, but also by society, requires a rethink and innovative approaches to solutions at all levels of action.

The Sustainable Eco section provides information on the following sub-areas:

Sustainable Eco

In the context of Sustainable Eco, the circular economy takes on a very decisive function. This term no longer only stands for modern waste management, but rather aims at circular value creation. This involves thinking and acting in cycles that are as closed as possible in order to secure the economic and social benefits of products, components and materials in the long term while respecting the ecological limits of our planet. A comprehensive circular economy, as is now increasingly demanded by politics, but also by society, requires a rethink and innovative approaches to solutions at all levels of action.

The Sustainable Eco section provides information on the following sub-areas: