Digitisation/digital instruments in disposal technology
Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Abfällen - ein Bereich innerhalb von Sustainable Eco
© Photo by geogif on istockphoto

Digitisation/digital instruments in disposal technology

In the field of waste management logistics, many municipal and private waste management companies are currently working on the consistent digitalisation of processes within the company.
The focus here is on aspects such as the analysis and design of target processes, digital data management, communication with customers and optimised waste collection. The following approaches, among others, are being pursued:
- app use for disposal on demand and mobile online order management to increase flexibility for short-term orders;
- new container systems with technical fill level measurement (incl. transmission) and automated/adapted route planning linked to this;
- merging supply and demand on an automated market and logistics platform to improve the recyclability of products.

Digitisation/digital instruments in disposal technology

In the field of waste management logistics, many municipal and private waste management companies are currently working on the consistent digitalisation of processes within the company. The focus here is on aspects such as the analysis and design of target processes, digital data management, communication with customers and optimised waste collection. The following approaches, among others, are being pursued:

  • App use for disposal on demand and mobile online order management to increase flexibility for short-term orders;
  • New container systems with technical fill level measurement (incl. transmission) and linked automated/adapted route planning;
  • Merging supply and demand on an automated market and logistics platform to improve the circularity of products.

Funding opportunities:


Funding database

The database of the German federal government, the German states and the European Union provides an overview of various funding programmes:

Funding database