Wet processing as preparation for recycling lithium-ion batteries from electromobility
Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Abfällen - ein Bereich innerhalb von Sustainable Eco
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Wet processing as preparation for recycling lithium-ion batteries from electromobility

Wet processing as preparation for recycling lithium-ion batteries from electromobility

After battery packs from electric vehicles have been dismantled, what usually remains are the modules, which in turn consist of several battery cells. Since components from lithium-ion batteries, such as the electrolyte, form toxic gases when released under oxygen, precautions must be taken during crushing to suppress this. One possibility is crushing in the presence of water, so that the substances, and especially the metal lithium, which is classified as critical, dissolve in water. The aim is to use subsequent separation techniques in a wet environment to separate further substances and expand the value chain of lithium-ion batteries.

Prerequisites for use:

  • Currently being determined in research projects
  • Loaded or partially unloaded modules possible
  • Module dimensions dependent on shredder size

Best practices/applications/signals:

  • AURRELIA: Optimisation of wet processing techniques to recover recyclable fractions from spent lithium batteries.
  • EcoBat

Regional experts:

  • Claas Fricke IWARU at Münster University of Applied Sciences; Profile.
  • Sigrid Hams IWARU at Münster University of Applied Sciences; profile