Marker-based systems
Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Abfällen - ein Bereich innerhalb von Sustainable Eco
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Marker-based systems

Marker-based systems

Marker-based systems enable the processing of products or materials independently of their physical properties. For this purpose, fluorescent, inorganic marker substances are used on products or, for example, in polymer materials, which are not visible or recognisable without an identification technique adapted to the marker substances. In contrast to conventional spectroscopy (NIR or colour recognition), which only uses the material properties, this approach allows the product/material to be identified independently of the material and subsequently processed in a targeted manner (e.g. tracer-based sorting). Fields of application for these technologies are, for example, the identification and sorting of plastic packaging, the secure authentication of products (traceability, product and licence protection) or the quality assurance of materials.

Marker-based systems Marker-based systems
© Photo by proxyminder on istockphoto

Modern euro banknotes also have fluorescent markers to make it more difficult to counterfeit the securities.

Prerequisites for use:

  • Identification technology matched to the marker material.

    Best practices/applications/signals:

    Regional experts: