Recycling of plastics
Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Abfällen - ein Bereich innerhalb von Sustainable Eco
© Photo by geogif on istockphoto

Recycling of plastics

The amount of plastic waste has risen sharply in recent years. Due to the European and national targets for the increased closure of material cycles, it is necessary to identify possibilities for significantly increasing recycling rates. Approaches are listed in more detail here.

Recycling of plastics

The amount of plastic waste has risen sharply in recent years. Due to the European and national targets for the increased closure of material cycles, it is necessary to identify possibilities for significantly increasing recycling rates. The following approaches are being pursued:

  • In mechanical recycling, the used product/material is treated with processes that are based on purely mechanical/physical process steps (crushing, classifying, sorting, e.g. according to optical properties, density and shape, washing, melting, filtering, etc.), whereby the material is returned to the material cycle directly, i.e. directly and without the intermediate step of a chemical conversion.
  • Raw material recycling uses processes (e.g. pyrolysis, hydrogenation, gasification, solvolysis or depolymerisation) in which the waste is (thermo)chemically converted into basic chemical components. These correspond in quality to the original building blocks and can be used again for the production of plastics in virgin material quality.
Recycling of plastics Recycling of plastics
© Photo by Killari Hotaru on Unsplash ​

Funding opportunities:


Münster University of Applied Sciences

Funding database

The database of the federal government,
of the federal states and the European Union provides an overview of various funding programmes:

Funding database