Material recycling of plastics
Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Abfällen - ein Bereich innerhalb von Sustainable Eco
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Material recycling of plastics

Material recycling of plastics

In the material recycling of plastics, the polymer structure is transferred almost unchanged into the secondary products by remelting. The comparatively low quantities used in this process so far are mainly due to the high purity requirements placed on the plastic waste so that the products made from it can compete with primary products. Even small amounts of impurities can significantly disrupt the reprocessing process or significantly change the physical properties of a polymer material.

Material recycling of plastics Material recycling of plastics
© Photo by aykuterd on istockphoto

From a purely technical point of view, it is possible to separate high-purity plastic products even from a comparatively heterogeneous plastic waste stream. However, this requires a combination of several process steps (e.g. picking, sensor-based sorting, density separation). The higher the increase in the recyclable content between the feedstock and the product is to be, the more increasingly finer process steps are therefore required, resulting in an exponential growth of the processing costs. The sales price of the secondary plastic must bear these and other costs and at the same time be able to compete with that of primary plastic products. Due to the currently rather low primary production costs of most mass plastics, this is only economically feasible for selected types of plastics and waste fractions.

Prerequisites for use:

  • Long-term supply of suitable waste fractions in sufficient quantities and qualities in line with specifications (including associated sorting and pre-treatment efforts to achieve the required purity).
  • Significant dependence on primary production costs/crude oil price.

Regional experts:

Further information:

  • Lechleitner, A., Schwabl, D., Schubert, T. et al. Chemical recycling of mixed plastic waste as a complementary recycling path to increase the recycling rate. Österr Wasser- und Abfallw 72, 47-60 (2020).doi