Techathon | Technologiescouting Münsterland | Enabling Networks
The Techathon is part of the Technologiescouting Münsterland.
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina


Companies present a problem, students present the solution: that's how it works at the Techathons of Technologiesocutting Münsterland. The Techathon is an ideas competition in which students search for practical answers to business challenges.

  • Students take on the role of problem solvers, get to work after a briefing and present their results at the end.
  • The Techathon brings people and ideas together and links science with business.
  • This is how long-term cooperation and relationships between companies, students and universities can develop.

Techaton goes into the second round

The second Techathon will take place from 10 to 14 October 2022 at the Westfälische Hochschule (WH) in Bocholt and at Münster UAS in the MakerSpace. The challenges have now been set! You can find them below.

Do you have further questions about the Techathon? The following contact persons can provide you with the answers:

  • Contact Lea Wilkens:, 0251 83-64628
  • ContactLukas Rengbers:
  • ContactChristopher Langner:, 02871 2155 -952

Challenges of the FH Münster

1. Zauberzeug GmbH:
Develop a gripper for an autonomously driving robot, which drives on the farmyard of agricultural enterprises. The gripper should be able to pull beet-like plants, including roots, out of the ground.

2. CLK GmbH:
Clever idea! Help CLK GmbH to develop a gripper for an industrial robot. The goal: it should be able to grab and position fruit and vegetables without damaging them.

3. Trendelkamp Technologie GmbH:
It's off to politics! The task: Further development of the seating in the Bundestag. An additional degree of freedom is to be added so that the chairs can also be adjusted sideways.

4. 5aHead (ELA Container Group):
This challenge is to develop a monitoring system (micocontroller + sensors) for construction containers that collects data. This data should then be mapped graphically, e.g. with the open source software Grafan. The data should provide more information about the use of the containers.

5. AT Cycles Holding GmbH (Velo de Ville):
Münsterländer love cycling. A transport security system for cargo bicycles is to be developed here. "The transport and securing system can be its own box, its own securing/transport system or a connection option for other systems," is how the managing director of AT Cycles describes his idea.

6. HUESKER Synthetic GmbH:
We can no longer imagine life without moulded and functional parts made of plastic. Here, the aluminium part of a roller shutter is to be replaced by a plastic part.

Challenges of the Westphalian University

1 Pieron GmbH:
Become the Lord of the Rings with Pieron! To do this, you must succeed in separating rings from bulk goods so that the eye of quality assurance can check them safely and reliably.

2. Energieblick UG:
Who hasn't experienced it - the weeds are already growing in the joints of the new terrace. But now bending over and scratching? Nooo! Help the colleagues from Energieblick UG to build a robot to kill weeds!

Review: Techathon from 28 March to 1 April 2022 at Münster University of Applied Sciences

The first Techathon was a complete success! From 28 March to 1 April 2022, companies and students came together at Münster UAS to exchange ideas. The students tried their hand at the MakerSpace, developed creative ideas and helped the participating companies in Münsterland to overcome current challenges. The first challenges were set by:

  1. Algura Chemie GmbH & Co KG

Here are some impressions of the event:

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