Future Region Münsterland | Prognos Future Atlas 2022
Urban and rural regions in Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Kai Marc Pel
Münsterland region of the future

Münsterland Region of the Future - Future Atlas 2022

The Münsterland is a region of the future - that's what it says in the Future Atlas 2022 by the renowned economic research institute Prognos. Why is that so? Compared to the Future Atlas 2019, the region has made an important leap in the ranking: it has left the solid midfield, where the opportunities outweigh the risks, and is now one of the regions where the future opportunities outweigh the risks. A positive development, despite the pandemic.
Overall, the study shows that the future is also being created away from the metropolises. Up-and-coming medium-sized regions like the Münsterland are growth engines for the German economy and provide stability in times of crisis.

About the Future Atlas

Every three years since 2004, the Future Atlas has examined the sustainability of German regions - using 29 macro- and socio-economic indicators - and compares them in a nationwide ranking. The indicators can be assigned to four overarching thematic fields: Demography, Labour Market, Competition and Innovation, and Prosperity and Social Situation. A total of 400 cities and districts are listed in the 2022 ranking.

Results in detail

Future Atlas 2022 General Map
© Prognos

Compared to the study from 2019, Münster and the four districts have improved their rankings, in some cases considerably:

  • Münster from 25th to 19th place
  • Steinfurt district from 144th to 116th place
  • Borken district from 188th to 132nd place
  • District of Warendorf from 194th to 139th place
  • Coesfeld district from 165th to 152nd place.

In the area of demographics Münster even lands in 7th place and thus belongs to the top 10 regions with the best chances nationwide.

Further results and information on the methodology of the Future Atlas 2022 can be requested online on the Prognos website.

Reasons for the development

  • A growing population
  • Stable to growing employment figures
  • A strong economic structure
  • A healthy middle class

According to the study, these are the reasons for the positive development of the Münsterland. The housing situation is also more relaxed in rural regions than in metropolises. In addition, companies often find commercial space here more easily and at lower prices.

What Münsterland e.V. says about the study

Klaus Ehling Klaus Ehling
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Klaus Ehling, Board of Münsterland e.V.

"The study shows that our course is the right one and we hope that the next study in three years will also confirm that our claim 'MÜNSTERLAND. THE GOOD LIFE' hits the mark. We are already strong in the areas of innovation and digitalisation, start-ups and business succession, ecological transformation as well as regional marketing and attracting skilled workers. Here we need to become even stronger."

Top growth region also in the industries of the future

The number of employees in the so-called industries of the future has increased rapidly in Münsterland. According to Prognos, this makes it one of 52 top growth regions in this area.

The industries of the future in Germany include the plastics industry, logistics, construction, healthcare and several others. They will be of central importance for economic growth in the coming years.

Münster, for example, is strongly represented in the IT & telecommunications sector, while the districts of Borken and Coesfeld are particularly well positioned in mechanical engineering.

These findings are also partly in line with the Tech-Trends Münsterland. These were identified in a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research and have particular development potential for companies in the region.

More about the Münsterland region of the future

The Future Atlas gives a small taste of why Münsterland is a great place to live and work. But there are many more good reasons. We show you how innovative, liveable and ambitious the region is.