Life in Münsterland | Mentality | Family | Leisure | Culture
Life in Münsterland: Lots of community
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg
THE GOOD LIFE in Münsterland

The good life is at home here

Maybe Münsterland will be your new home? Then you probably have a lot of questions about living here:

  • Where and how do I live best?
  • What kind of mentality can I expect?
  • What about the cultural and recreational opportunities?
  • How and where can I meet people quickly?
  • Which school is the right one for my child?
  • Where can I find childcare?

We have answers to your questions! Either with the content here on the website or personally with the free Onboarding@Münsterland advice service. It will make it easier for you and your family to arrive in Münsterland. Because choosing a job is always a decision about where to live. Münsterland is home. We look forward to meeting you and your family!

From left to right: Birgit, Monika and Eva from the Onboarding@Münsterland service. From left to right: Birgit, Monika and Eva from the Onboarding@Münsterland service.
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
What speaks in favour of Münsterland as a place to live?

Get in touch with us now: We will support you during onboarding and on your way to your new job in Münsterland and advise you free of charge and without obligation.

Living in Münsterland

Do you prefer to travel in the city? Or are you drawn to the countryside? In Münsterland you can have both: Vibrant cities with a high proportion of green spaces are just as desirable as residential areas in the countryside with good connections to the city. Click through and discover our liveable region!

Münsterlanden: Newcomers and returnees tell their stories

We asked some newcomers and returnees what makes Münsterland and the people special for them. What is life in Münsterland really like? Why have others returned or why have newcomers chosen to work, live and reside in Münsterland?

Münsterlanden Münsterlanden
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
A portrait of New Münsterland
Learn more...

What makes people in the Münsterland tick?

Many Münsterlanders are deeply rooted in the region. This was the result of a study conducted in 2020, in which locals gave their region high approval ratings. They care for, maintain and shape their home with a lot of heart. In contrast to other regions, the number of inhabitants in Münsterland will therefore remain constant until 2030. These results were confirmed by the SKL Happiness Atlas in 2023. The study revealed that Münsterland is one of the happiest regions in Germany!

Admittedly: The native Münsterlanders rarely stand out as chatterboxes. They think before they talk, act thoughtfully, have a mind of their own and like to take matters into their own hands.

Whether in the city or in the countryside, Münsterlanders like to party . They cultivate common interests in clubs and at events. Whether it's a shooting festival in summer, indoor picnics in winter, sports club activities, festivals, city festivals and much more - the Münsterlanders love socialising, their club and their neighbourhood. Because that's what home means. And with their down-to-earth hospitality, the people of Münsterland have already won over many a newcomer.

Conquering the hearts of Münsterlanders and making friends can sometimes be hard work. It's worth sticking with it! Persistence, getting stuck in and joining in will pay off in the end. And you might even make new friends for life.


THE GOOD LIFE is a matter of course for Münsterland and yet so unusual. Whether in the city or in the countryside - it's never boring in Münsterland. Experience the wide range of leisure activities with your family and friends. Unique events, exciting culture, castles and palaces, parks and picnic areas are just some of the activities that await you in Münsterland.

Meet new people

For newcomers or returning students, we offer welcome events so that you can get to know other newcomers in a relaxed atmosphere. These events take place at exciting locations in Münster and Münsterland and offer an ideal platform for networking. Be there and find out here when and where the next welcome event is taking place.

Münsterland offers a wide range of events. You're spoilt for choice here too. Experience great concerts, festivals, musicals, exhibitions, city festivals, Christmas markets and much more together. The Münsterland calendar of events is full to bursting all year round.

Since Münsterlanders love their clubs, be it sports, music, carnival or shooting clubs, membership is ideal for making contacts. But you should also put out some feelers in the social media.

We are here for you

You want to know more about Münsterland? With the Onboarding@Münsterland service, we give you a feel for the region and advise you on all aspects of "Arriving in Münsterland". Whether on the phone or by video - we advise you free of charge, individually and personally. Get in touch with us now.

Monika Leiking
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Monika Leiking
Head of Service Onboarding@Münsterland

0049 2571 94 93 15

Birgit Stübing-Beunink
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

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