Returnees | Münsterland | Borken | Fitness Trainers
Nadine van Reimersdahl and Jihn-Young Kim-Krott from Borken
© Münsterland e.V.

Jihn-Young and Nadine from Borken: From the big city back home

Their return was anything but planned in advance. Jihn-Young had already been living in the Ruhr area for several years, Nadine had long since got used to city life - first in Berlin, then in Düsseldorf. But as their children grew, so did their longing for more space, more freedom for the little ones, more greenery, less city stress. And so they both eventually moved back to Borken with their families. Nadine returned in 2017, followed by Jihn-Young in 2018. And the two are by no means the only ones who have returned to their former home in their early 30s: "In the meantime, almost all of our friends from back then have returned," they say. And they all bring a breath of fresh air to the city of 42,000 inhabitants.

From Düsseldorf back to Borken

Nadine van Reimersdahl still remembers the trigger for the drastic move. She had to leave her flat in Düsseldorf with her husband, child and dog due to her own needs and had to start looking for a new flat in the big city from one day to the next. "And that with a small child. That was just cruel," the 38-year-old remembers. So she turned her gaze back to home, she as a native of Borken, her husband as a former Raesfeld resident. When they found what they were looking for in Borken-Gemen, they said goodbye to the big city. A new phase in their lives began.

It was similar for Jihn-Young Kim-Krott, her husband and their two children. "We simply wanted more space, to be closer to our parents again," says the 38-year-old. And so her family finally turned its back on the big city. The right decision, Jihn-Young is sure today: "I have never regretted the move." And for many reasons.

Deceleration in the countryside

"You are simply forced to slow down here." The distances are shorter, you can get almost everywhere by bike, "the children can play much more independently. Just dashing off on a bike, climbing a tree outside - "none of that was possible in Bochum."

In addition, Borken has changed, say the two childhood friends. "With so many people coming back, a lot of things are changing in the city. New restaurants are opening, the leisure facilities are changing." And thanks to its location, you can get to Holland just as quickly as to the Ruhr or Münster.

Self-employed as fitness trainers

Professionally, they were also able to gain a foothold in the region. Jihn-Young looked for a job in an advertising agency, Nadine started her own business as a trainer for yoga mama and outdoor fitness. "That was immediately well received," she recalls. She currently gives fitness classes almost every day of the week, mostly outside at Lake Pröbsting, in all weathers. And because the demand has become so high, she now gets support from Jihn-Young. "A month ago I had my last day at the advertising agency," says the mother of two. Now she is joining Nadine as a fitness and children's sports trainer. She already has her first trainer's licence in her pocket.

The two women would like to see some things from the big city in Borken - such as better bus and train connections, more diversity. But for both of them, these are rather minor downers, as they say. They like Münsterland, "it's relaxed and greenhere," says Nadine, "beautiful and tidy," adds Jihn-Young. "At first glance, the Münsterlanders are very stubborn. But once they've taken you to their hearts, they'll do anything for you."

"I wonder if our children will blame us later for going back," Nadine says, looking at Jihn-Young with a laugh. Then they both shake their heads. "I remember what it was like for me back then," Jihn-Young says. "I wouldn't want to miss that carefree childhood."

More about Jihn-Young and Nadine

You want to know more about Nadine, Jihn-Young and their fitness classes? Then take a look here:

Borken in the Münsterland. Borken in the Münsterland.
© Münsterland e.V. / Philipp Fölting
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