Sebastian van Deel | Return to Münsterland | Münsterlanden
Sebastian van Deel has returned to Münsterland from Berlin with his family.
© Sebastian van Deel

Sebastian van Deel: World Tour, Berlin, Münster

After many professional stations and a trip around the world, Sebastian van Deel returned to Münster with his family three years ago. As Head of the Digitalisation, International and Industry Division of the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce, he and his team now support companies in becoming more digital and network them with international companies.

A versatile business location

"What sets the region apart is its versatility," says Sebastian van Deel. "There are so many innovative companies here from very different sectors, from agriculture and agricultural machinery manufacturers to modern industrial companies and IT companies." Another plus point is that Münsterland is home to three universities, the University of Münster and the University of Applied Sciences of Westphalia in the district of Borken.

Sebastian van Deel is enthusiastic about his new professional task and supports the companies in the area of digitalisation with around 25 employees, among other things with large events and webinars. And they facilitate an international exchange with companies from Northern Europe, the Baltic States, Great Britain and Singapore, for example.

First wanderlust, then a desire for Münster and the Münsterland again

Sebastian van Deel did not have to be convinced to return to his home country. He grew up in Münster, in the Sacred Heart district, also called Little Grouchy. After an apprenticeship at Fiege Logistik, he founded his own company for online shops and marketing together with friends. After a few years, he was bitten by the wanderlust: he studied information management in Cologne and then worked in New York, London and Berlin.

On a trip around the world, he met his current wife, who decided to move to Berlin with him and took a job at the consulting firm Ernst & Young. When the two children arrived, who are now five and eight years old, the family felt the same as many others: Berlin no longer suited them. "Sebastian van Deel from Münster sums it up as follows: "You can't just cycle out of the city into the countryside. The family moved to Bernau, "but we realised during the move that this wasn't really the right thing to do.

"You have to phone your way through"

In 2018, the decision was made to return to Münster. Sebastian van Deel benefited from the fact that he already knew his way around here, but he still found the start somewhat arduous: "To find a house or a flat, the right school and a daycare place, you have to call around. You should plan two months in advance," he recommends to other returnees and newcomers to the region. He is pleased that the Onboarding@Münsterland service is now available to support the return and arrival in the region.

But the effort is worth it, very much so: "You are close to nature here and I can cycle to work, but also walk through Münster city centre. And you're super connected here, I can go to Hamburg, Berlin or the Netherlands at any time."

There and in many other places around the world, the chances of meeting other Münster and Münsterland fans are good, Sebastian van Deel says: "I have met people almost everywhere who have lived or worked in Münster or have friends here. And almost all of them have a positive view of the city and region and tell nice anecdotes or memories."

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