Münsterland blooms up | Garden | Species protection | Climate change | Tips
Münsterland blossoms
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Münsterland blossoms

Münsterland gardens in climate change

Springtime is garden time. And where better to enjoy the Münsterland sun than in your own garden, on the balcony or terrace? And best of all, of course, surrounded by flowers, shrubs and other plants. But the consequences of climate change are also making themselves felt here. More and more species are disappearing; the death rate of bees in Germany alone has been over 20 percent in some cases in recent years.

But the people of Münsterland do not have to stand idly by. Everyone can do something against the loss of biodiversity and the consequences of climate change. What can you do? Find out here!

More about species conservation and climate impacts

With near-natural gardens, we have the opportunity to preserve species in the region. On the other hand, we also have the chance to adapt to climate change. A near-natural garden can be designed individually according to one's own taste. The only important thing is to focus primarily on native plants and to create various habitats for wild animals. For example, you can create wildflower meadows, nesting areas, wild shrub hedges, wet and dry biotopes, insect hotels or even a garden pond.

Click through our information and tips on species protection and adapting to climate change and its consequences.

Lots of green for more species protection: Find out in the video!

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10 reasons why you should plant your garden
  1. With a near-natural garden, you can easily contribute to promoting biodiversity in Münsterland.
  2. A near-natural, planted garden protects you during floods because the water can seep away better.
  3. A near-natural, planted garden does not heat up so quickly in high temperatures and offers you a shady spot even in midsummer.
  4. A natural garden is easy to maintain and is therefore a good option even for those who don't like to garden.
  5. In a semi-natural garden you can observe a variety of different plants and animals.
  6. A near-natural garden can be created even with small measures.
  7. A near-natural garden can also be implemented at a low cost.
  8. With a near-natural garden you are fully in line with the trend.
  9. In a natural garden you can grow your own vegetables and herbs. It simply tastes best from your own garden!
  10. A colourful, diverse garden that creeps, hums and buzzes simply puts you in a good mood and lets you escape from everyday life.

Box of ideas from the Münsterland

There are already many great examples from Münsterland that show how the region is on the way to more species protection and climate protection. Companies, public institutions and municipalities are on the way, as are private citizens. You can find out more about their projects here. In our ideas box we collect great projects and actions from the Münsterland region that contribute to the promotion of biodiversity and species diversity. We encourage you to follow suit!

Insect hotel in the Münsterland Insect hotel in the Münsterland
© Cornelia Höchstetter/MÜNSTER!-Magazin
To the idea box
Learn more...

Things to know for the whole family

The Münsterland is Klimaland logo The Münsterland is Klimaland logo
© Münsterland e.V.
Münsterland is climate land

The campaign "Münsterland blossoms up" was created as part of "Münsterland is Klimaland". Under this title, Münsterland presents itself as a region that stands for THE GOOD LIFE - today and in the future. The districts of Borken, Coesfeld, Steinfurt and Warendorf, the city of Münster and Münsterland e.V., which coordinates the region's climate protection work as a network centre, as well as the state organisation NRW.Energy4Climate are involved.


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