Projects | Districts | Municipalities | Münsterland | Species Protection | Climate Protection
Insect hotel in the Münsterland
© Cornelia Höchstetter/MÜNSTER!-Magazin
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Box of ideas from the Münsterland

Projects and actions of the districts and municipalities

The districts and municipalities in Münsterland are already setting a good example and are active in promoting biodiversity. We have collected some examples from the region.

Community garden "Kraut & Blüten" in Münster-Hiltrup

In cooperation with the city of Münster, a community garden with an area of 80 square metres was created in May 2019 on the grounds of the Begegnungshaus 37 Grad in Münster-Hiltrup. It is a meeting place for all people in the neighbourhood who enjoy gardening together and who like to be in contact with other gardeners. It is also used by pupils from the neighbouring Ludgerus Primary School and by the children's meeting place of the Begegnungshaus 37 Grad.

Flyer with lots of information

The district of Borken informs its citizens together with the Nature and Environmental Protection Academy NRW about positive alternatives to gravel gardens and uses the flyer of the LANUV, which can be downloaded here. For example, with the granting of building permits, the district of Borken is now also sending out the flyer to point out the possibilities for near-natural garden design.

The municipality of Nordwalde also uses a flyer to show the advantages of designing front gardens close to nature.

Free seed mixtures

As part of a support programme, the district of Steinfurt provides free certified Regio seed for the creation of flowering areas. By sowing wildflowers, one not only beautifies one's own garden and landscape, but also creates habitats for many different animal and plant species. The "Flowering Areas" funding programme is aimed at all citizens living in the Steinfurt district. For more information, download the flyer above.

The district of Warendorf has given away bags with a seed mixture of native plants to interested citizens until 15 May 2020. The "Warendorf mixture" was developed in cooperation with Nabu-Naturschutzstation Münsterland e.V.. More information on the campaign can be found here and in the video below.

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Flowering areas in Oelde

In the town of Oelde , everyone is getting active themselves: employees of the municipal depot are planting flowering areas throughout the town to promote biodiversity. But the areas managed by private initiatives are also growing from year to year. These include the 600-square-metre area at the Zum Geisterholz rainwater retention basin, which is made available by the town of Oelde and looked after by voluntary area sponsors. A flowering meadow covering 1100 square metres is also being created at the Stromberg cemetery through citizen commitment. The seeds for the areas are donated by the project Vital.NRW - "8 Plus hums up".

"Climate protection through natural forest development" in Telgte

Species protection is also a priority in Telgte : As part of the climate protection week in the district of Warendorf, the starting signal was given in June 2016 for the municipal renaturation project "Climate protection through natural forest development". This is taking place on an approx. 5,700 square metre municipal area that had previously been used agriculturally for years as grassland. After a final mowing, the area will now be left to its own devices and there will be no more human intervention. More information is available here.

"Green instead of grey - business in transition" in Lengerich

The city of Lengerich is part of the project "Green instead of Grey - Business in Transition". The main objective is the unsealing and near-natural greening of commercial areas to promote biodiversity, quality of stay, climate protection and climate adaptation. The core of the project is the consultation of interested companies with a site inspection of their area by the "Global Nature Fund". The experts prepare a potential analysis of the design options for the site in question. With a report on the results, the company receives suggestions for a near-natural design of the site and suggestions for the promotion of biodiversity, the quality of stay for employees, the combination with the use of solar energy or environmentally conscious mobility. Following the initial consultation, the company can have detailed planning promoted. This time, nature garden planners will draw up concrete planting plans and plant lists so that the implementation of a near-natural site design can begin. More information is available here.

My flowering garden" campaign in Tecklenburg

If you live in the town of Tecklenburg, you even have the chance to take part in a competition with your garden. The "My flowering garden" campaign offers great tips and super prizes!
You can find all the information here.
