Münsterland is climate land | Kahlmeier family | Lastenrad Oelde
The Kahlmeier family practices climate protection in everyday life
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Climate protection in everyday life
Kahlmeier family

Climate protection is child's play: The Kahlmeier family from Oelde

Dirk, Claudia, Tilda and Enie Kahlmeier live in Oelde and have been committed to the climate in Münsterland for a long time. With many little things, they shape their lives sustainably and thus contribute to the climate land Münsterland.

Freight bike instead of car

The family particularly enjoys using their own bicycles or the two e-powered cargo bikes. Of course, they charge the bikes with green electricity. The bikes offer enough space for shopping and errands, and Tilda and Enie also like to ride along. The family has already been able to replace one car with the cargo bikes. If you are interested in the topic, take a look at the website of the German Bicycle Club and start cycling.

Little things in everyday life

The family serves regional products and organic food. But the eggs from their own chickens taste best. Tilda can call them all by name.

Recycled paper is great for painting and handicrafts! And the family also has little tricks and tips on how to save emissions and protect the environment: Tilda and Enie always try to remember to switch off the lights and save electricity. This also saves their parents' money. They also do without a tumble dryer and simply use cloths instead of kitchen roll for cleaning.

Everyone can do something for the climate - for example, ride a cargo bike. Everyone can do something for the climate - for example, ride a cargo bike.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Climate tips for the home
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More stories from climate countries

Are you curious? Then read the other stories of our climate change activists from Münsterland. Each and every one of them protects our nature and environment in a different way. But they all show: Even small measures can have big effects:

Münsterland is climate land