Münsterland is climate land | Norbert Gesing | Fill up on sunshine
Norbert Gesing refuelling his e-car
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Soaking up the sun in Rhede
Norbert Gesing

Soaking up the sun: Norbert Gesing from Rhede

Norbert Gesing is a climate-friendly traveller. The father of two grown-up children lives with his wife in a two-family house in a solar housing estate in Rhede. He works for the district of Borken and became interested in climate issues at an early age.

That's why he likes to use the sun to get ahead: The energy generated by the photovoltaic system on the roof ends up safely in the tank of his electric car, which he uses for long distances. Norbert can no longer imagine any other form of propulsion. Practical: A wallbox is installed next to the carport so that the car can be charged directly there.

Bicycle and solar thermal

For all other journeys, Norbert takes the bicycle. Throughout his professional life, he has managed to cycle to work. Whether by direct route or by taking a bike on the train. "With the bike, I arrive at work already fit and awake, and I'm also doing something good for the climate," he says.

In addition to the solar cells on the roof, his house in the solar settlement also has a particularly "warm coat", which means it is especially energy-efficient. About two thirds of the hot water demand is generated by a solar thermal system. To protect the climate and achieve a justifiable ecological footprint, Norbert avoids air travel.

By bike and train through Münsterland By bike and train through Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg
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Münsterland is climate land