Münsterland is Climate Land | Marco Imberge | Climate Protection Manager Telgte
Climate Protection Manager Simon Moeser
© Muensterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg
Climate protection manager in Steinfurt
Simon Moeser

Climate protection manager Simon Möser

Marco Imberge is one of many climate protection managers in Münsterland. He has been working for the city of Telgte in Department 6 (Planning, Building and Environment) for almost ten years. His tasks include the implementation of municipal activities and projects in the field of climate protection. This involves energy and emission savings, renewable energies and efficient construction of the municipality's own buildings.

He is also the contact person for the citizens of Telgte and provides advice on climate protection. He also organises events and raises awareness among local people. He thus forms the interface between politics, administration and citizens.

A place worth living in - now and in the future

The topic of climate protection is also close to Simon's heart in his private life: "Through my work, I want to help ensure that the place where I live and work is a place worth living in, where my children can grow up."

Cycling to work

Simon Möser lives with his family in Burgsteinfurt, a district of Steinfurt. As he lives and works in Steinfurt, the family has been able to do away with a car and he himself cycles to work in the other district of Borghorst every morning via a cycle path that connects the two districts. This saves money and promotes health and fitness at the same time.

Sustainable building renovation in Münsterland Sustainable building renovation in Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Sustainable living
Building renovation
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More stories from climate countries

Are you curious? Then read the other stories of our climate change activists from Münsterland. Each and every one of them protects our nature and environment in a different way. But they all show: Even small measures can have big effects:

Münsterland is climate land