Münsterland is Climate Land | Sophie and Sebastian | Commitment Dülmen
Sophie and Sebastian are committed to climate protection in Dülmen.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Commitment on the ground
Sophie and Sebastian

Sophie and Sebastian from Dülmen

Sophie and Sebastian are 28 years old and live on a farm in Dülmen. They are active locally in several groups and initiatives for Klimaland Münsterland and live climate, environmental and nature protection not only privately but also professionally.

The impetus came from stays abroad

When they returned to Germany after a long stay in South America, it was clear to them that they had to do something about the climate crisis. Because there they saw how the climate and environmental crisis affects the way of life and the environment of people on other continents: plastic waste, drought, heavy rainfall events or the first islands sinking into the sea due to rising sea levels. Sophie and Sebastian visited one such island and learned that the indigenous population has to leave it. However, the way of life of the indigenous people was very inspiring for the Dülmeners, as it shows how living with nature and people works in a regenerative way.

They took this knowledge with them. Back in Münsterland, Sophie and Sebastian decided to take something into their own hands and committed themselves to climate and species protection.

Act now!

Although we are already feeling the effects of climate change in Germany, Sophie and Sebastian are sure that it is not too late to change something and prevent something worse: "We can still act and are responsible for our own future and that of future generations with every decision we make every day.

Commitment at work and on site

Sophie and Sebastian are therefore not only involved privately, but also professionally: Sophie works as an organisation developer in the organic sector and with peace organisations throughout Germany. Among other things, she co-founded the CSX network and is committed to spreading solidarity-based (land) economy. Sebastian is a civil engineer and sustainability officer in an engineering firm in Münster. He founded the "Architects for Future Münsterland", is a representative on the advisory board of the lower nature conservation authority for BUND in his district and is currently setting up a local "Cradle to Cradle Münsterland" group.

Both are active in local politics with the Green Party in Dülmen and active in BUND Dülmen and the organisation "DüNaMi - Dülmen nachhaltig mitmachen". They live on a farm and are currently planning to set up a solidarity-based agriculture (SoLaWi) there. They are also helping to initiate a nature kindergarten in Dülmen and hope to implement it next year.

More stories from climate countries

Are you curious? Then read the other stories of our climate change activists from Münsterland. Each and every one of them protects our nature and environment in a different way. But they all show: Even small measures can have big effects:

Münsterland is climate land