Using solar energy | Münsterland is climate land | Photovoltaics
Sophie and Sebastian have opted for photovoltaics on the roof of their house.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Münsterland is climate land
Use solar energy

Using solar energy pays off!

The generation of energy from renewable sources, such as solar and wind energy, has become significantly more important, especially in recent years - also in Münsterland. Not only because of climate change, but also because of the finite nature of fossil resources, Münsterland is increasingly focusing on the expansion of renewable energies and is thus becoming a "climate state".

And the chances are good: in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Münsterland is the clear pioneer in the expansion of renewable energies. In 2021, 50.4 percent of the energy consumed was generated from renewable sources.
You too can use the sun! It serves as an energy source for heat generation (solar thermal) and electricity generation (photovoltaic). Private solar systems are playing an increasingly important role. Because they are not only good for the environment, they are also worthwhile for the operators.

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Solar energy for your own home

Whether south, east, west or even north, flat or pointed: your roof can also become a power plant. Nowadays, self-consumption is particularly worthwhile, which is why an east-west orientation is usually optimal. This way, more of your own electricity is available when you need it: in the morning and in the evening. The yield remains highest overall with a southern orientation, but so that the electricity can be used at home, it must be consumed or stored during the day. With modern, high-performance photovoltaic (PV) modules, some systems are even worthwhile on roofs with a northern orientation.

The electricity generated that cannot be consumed at home is fed into the grid of the local electricity supplier. In return, you receive a fixed minimum payment for 20 years, the so-called feed-in tariff, which was increased again in 2023 with the Renewable Energy Sources Act.

By installing a photovoltaic system, you not only make an important contribution to the energy transition in Münsterland, but also increase the value of your home. In addition, having your own PV system reduces the operating costs for an electric car or a heat pump. Before installing a heat pump, however, you should always have experts check whether your property is suitable for this type of heating system.

Solar energy for rental or owner-occupied flats

Even in a rented or owner-occupied flat, you can make the sun work for you - or get involved in the local energy transition. We show you a few possibilities:

Tenant electricity

Solar power from the roof directly into the socket. Tenants can become electricity customers of their landlord if he invests in photovoltaics. With full security of supply! In contrast to purchasing electricity from the grid, some cost components such as grid charges, grid-side levies, electricity tax and concession fees do not apply. Condominium owners' associations can also invest. Unfortunately, however, there are still some regulatory hurdles to this model (more on this in the federal government's PV strategy starting on page 18). As a rule, it is easier to implement the more units the apartment building has. Further information on PV on multi-family dwellings can be found in this guide by the Energy Agency Regio Freiburg.

Balcony systems

Plug-in PV systems also offer consumers without suitable roof space the opportunity to use solar energy. The electricity is generated on your balcony or on the wall of your house and supplies your refrigerator, for example, directly with electricity. This reduces the amount of electricity that has to be drawn from the grid. Further information is available on the website of the consumer advice centre.

Citizens' energy cooperatives

Anyone can join one! Membership in a citizens' energy cooperative is a good way to make a sustainable investment in local wind and solar projects. The regional roots and the associated added value are major plus points. There are several citizens' energy cooperatives in Münsterland:

Solar energy | Tips for using more

Save money with the photovoltaic system Save money with the photovoltaic system
© Unsplash/Markus Spiske
Save money

Every kilowatt hour (kWh) of solar electricity that you consume in your household saves one kilowatt hour of grid electricity from the socket. As a rule, a system is worthwhile even without additional subsidies. Since 2023, you also save VAT on the purchase of a PV system. You can use the PV calculator to estimate how quickly your system will pay for itself under current conditions. If you do not know the size of your roof area, you can also use the yield calculator in the NRW solar cadastre. To do this, go to the address of your house, click on the roof marked in colour and then on "Start photovoltaic yield calculator".

If you need financial support for the purchase, you can apply for a loan from Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) or NRW.BANK. The granting of financial subsidies has been cut back in recent years because the systems are worthwhile in their own right. Some municipalities and districts still offer subsidies. The easiest way to find other state and federal subsidies is to use the Subsidy Navi.

Tip: Get good professional advice and planning and obtain several offers.

Store solar power Store solar power
© Unsplash/Mika Baumeister
Store electricity

It will hardly be possible to cover one hundred percent of your electricity needs with solar power. The reason: electricity is generated during the day, but it is mostly used in the morning and evening hours. With a battery storage system, you can significantly increase the proportion of your own electricity. Storage technology and the market for storage systems are developing rapidly. If you are considering a storage system, be sure to get several offers so that you can compare.

Tip: Match the power of the battery to the power of the PV system. Do not oversize!

More information on the website of the NRW consumer advice centre.

Norbert Gesing fuels up on solar energy Norbert Gesing fuels up on solar energy
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
And without memory?

By cleverly using the programming functions of modern household appliances, you can effectively increase the self-consumption of your solar power even without battery storage.

Tip: Run power-hungry appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers during the day and charge electric vehicles during the day.

Solar thermal energy: Heat from solar radiation Solar thermal energy: Heat from solar radiation
© Unsplash/Julian Hochgesang
Solar thermal

Solar thermal energy converts solar radiation into heat. The principle: Like in a dark garden hose, the water is heated up very quickly by the sun. The "harvesting" in modern solar collectors is done by a heat transfer fluid and is transferred to the desired hot water. In this way, you can "harvest" shower water or support the heating system.

Heating works best with the right fuels Heating works best with the right fuels
© Unsplash/Bernard Hermant

The cost of fossil fuels is far higher than that of renewables. You can escape rising energy prices with a modern heating system. From pellet heating to heat pumps, homeowners benefit from the versatile options and the good subsidy conditions. Before you invest in new system technology, you can check whether a connection to a heating network is possible. This is possible with the municipality or the municipal energy supplier. Connection to a heating network significantly reduces the investment and maintenance costs for the system technology. The combination with a buffer storage tank and solar thermal is also worthwhile. Be sure to seek advice to make the right decision for your home. The federal government offers financial support for the preparation of an individual renovation roadmap with the "Federal funding for energy advice for residential buildings".

Here is an overview of federal funding, and here of state funding through

The Climate Protection Managers of the EnergyAgency.NRW will be happy to advise you The Climate Protection Managers of the EnergyAgency.NRW will be happy to advise you
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
More info

The NRW consumer advice centre provides advice on all aspects of solar energy. You can find further useful information on these websites:

Renewable energies in the Münsterland

Münsterland is a pioneer when it comes to renewable energies: according to the NRW Energy Atlas, no other region has such a high number of PV and wind energy plants as Münsterland. In 2021, 50.4 percent of the energy consumed was generated from renewable energies.

This enabled:

  • 990 wind turbines with 1,754 MW installed capacity,
  • 72,680 PV systems on roof surfaces with 1,554 MWp installed capacity,
  • 94 PV systems on open spaces with 57 MWp installed capacity and
  • 418 biomass plants with 263 MW installed capacity.

According to the federal government, renewable energies should have a share of at least 80 percent of electricity consumption in 2030.

Everyone can do something for the climate - for example, ride a cargo bike. Everyone can do something for the climate - for example, ride a cargo bike.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
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Münsterland is climate land